Peter Isaac Holquist

Peter Holquist is Assistant Professor of History at Cornell University. His current project is a monograph-length study, Making the Russian Revolution: State Practices and the New-Style Politics in the Don Territory during Russia’s Deluge, 1914-1921.

He received his Ph.D. in History from Columbia University in 1995. From 1995-6, he was a Woodrow Wilson Center Fellow at the Kennan Institute.

His publications include:

bullet"‘To Remove and to Exterminate Totally’: Population Statistics and Population Politics in Late Imperial and Soviet Russia" in Empire and Nation in the USSR, eds. Terry Martin and Ronald Suny (forthcoming).
bullet"What’s So Revolutionary About the Russian Revolution?: Political Practice and the New-Style Politics, 1914-1921" in New Approaches to Russian History, eds. David Hoffmann and Yanni Kotsonis (New York: Macmillan, forthcoming).
bullet"State Violence as Technique: the Logic of Violence in Soviet Totalitarianism" in Modernity and Population Management, ed. Amir Weiner (Stanford: Stanford University Press, forthcoming).
bullet"From Estate to Ethnos: the Changing Nature of Cossack Identity in the Twentieth Century" in Russia at a Crossroads: Historical Memory and Political Practice (London: Cass, 1998).
bullet"‘Information is the Alpha and Omega of Our Work’: Bolshevik Surveillance in its Pan-European Perspective," Journal of Modern History 69 (1997): 415-450.
bullet"Anti-Soviet svodki from the Civil War: Surveillance as a Shared Feature of Russian Political Culture," Russian Review 56:3 (1997): 445-50.
bullet"‘Conduct Merciless, Mass Terror’: Decossackization on the Don, 1919," Cahiers du Monde russe 38:1-2 (1997): 127-62.
bullet"The Primacy of Politics: Ideology and Modern Political Practices in the Russian Revolution," Cornell Institute for European Studies Working Paper no. 96.2. (1996).
bullet"Roundtable: Current Issues in the Cossack Movement," [in Russian] Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniia [Sociological Studies] (Moscow), 1992, no. 9.

The title of his paper at the Stanford Conference will be "Constructing a New Past: The Soviet Experience in Post-Soviet Historiography"