Oksana Bulgakowa

A film historian, Dr. Bulgakowa has been a documentary filmmaker (most recently directing "The Girl Who Kissed Stalin" for German television) and has curated a number of international exhibitions, among them, "Berlin-Moscow, Moscow-Berlin" in Berlin and Moscow (1993-1995).

Bulgakowa received her education at Moscow State Film Institute (VGIK) and Humboldt University in Berlin, where she was awarded her Ph.D. in 1982. She has also been employed by Humboldt University, the Research Institute of the Academy of Arts, Berlin, DDR (1985-1990), Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek (1990-1992) and the Research Center, Berlin (1992-1994).

Bulgakowa is currently Visiting Lecturer at Berlin’s Freie Universität, and will be a Visiting Professor at Stanford University starting in September 1998. 

Dr. Bulgakowa has published a number of articles and books including:

bulletSergej Eisenstein. Eine Biographie, Berlin 1997
bulletSergej Eisenstein - drei Utopien. Architekturentwürfe zur Filmtheorei, Berlin 1996
bulletFEKS - Fabrik des exzentrischen Schauspielers, Berlin 1996
bulletDie ungewöhnlichen Abenteuer des Dr. Mabuse im LAnde der Bolschewiki, Berlin 1995

The title of her paper at the Stanford Conference will be "Constructing the Past in Contemporary Russian Film and Architecture."