Welcome to the site where you can find information about applications developed by Stanford students for Stanford students! The Stanford Administration is supporting this creativity and we plan to do this more and more. Why? Because we have the coolest and most talented students and we want to empower our students to create cool apps that connect with the administrative systems that serve them.
We wish to call your attention to two applications developed by Stanford students: CourseRank and the iApps Project.
CourseRank is planning tool developed by Stanford students that gives students access to information about their classes, their professors and, most importantly, their options. It aims at streamlining the process of choosing the right courses for each student. CourseRank is now a private company providing services to students at institutes of higher learning across the United States.
Anyone who has used an iPhone marvels at its ease of use and design. Better than any mobile device before it, the iPhone allows you to converse with the world in new, convenient ways without regard to space and time. Unique and groundbreaking, Apple created a handheld computer then added a phone to it and in so doing invented a new class of machine.
At Stanford, we envision the iPhone as having a profound potential to break barriers in the way we provide information and services to students - in how they converse with the institution, their curriculum, the faculty, and each other. With an enduring entrepreneurial, innovative, and technological leadership, those same qualities that helped shape Silicon Valley, Stanford is in a unique position to chart yet another new course, this time using the iPhone.