Graduate Students

QP Page

Linguistics Department

Stanford University

Stanford Linguistics Department


Friday, May 28, 2004
Cordura 100, CSLI


9:45-10 Coffee, bagels and welcome
Session 1 - Chair: Brady Clark
10-10:40 Judith Tonhauser: Argument Linking without Grammatical Functions Abstract
10:40-11:20 Philip Hofmeister Context Sensitivity and Free-Choice Abstract ; Paper
11:20-11:35 Coffee break (15min)
Session 2 - Chair: Cathryn Donohue
11:35-12:15 Florian Jaeger: Non-pitch based focus-marking in English: Second occurrence focus and its consequences for theories of intonation Abstract
12:15-12:55 Hansook Lee: Processing of scrambling in Korean: the interaction between syntax and intonation Abstract
12:55-2 Lunch break
Session 3: Chair: Mary Rose
2-2:40 Andrew Koontz-Garboden: Tongan and the typology of change of state predicates Abstract ; Email for Paper
2:40-3:20 Liz Coppock: Objects in Hungarian Abstract ; Paper
3:20-3:45 Coffee break (15min)
Session 4 - Chair: Doug Ball
3:45-4:05 Jeanette Pettibone: The copula 'ka' in Ixpantepec Mixtec
4:05-4:25 Lauren Hall-Lew The Western Vowel Shift in Northern Arizona Abstract ; Paper
4:25-4:40 Coffee break (15min)
Session 5 - Chair: Jeanette Pettibone
4:40-5 Laura Staum: I'm going to the QP Fest and give a talk about GoToGo: an experimental investigation of the properties of the GoToGo construction Paper
5-5:40 Lev Blumenfeld: Plautus Wrote No Iambs Abstract
5:40 onwards Social

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Florian Jaeger, Jeanette Pettibone, Laura Staum and and Judith Tonhauser