- There should be lots of food and drink at the Department Social
today, since half the department is away
at NWAV in scenic
Columbus Ohio, where, believe it or not, today's projected high
temperature (65 F) is one degree higher than Palo Alto's. Those socio
people just follow the sun...
[Editor's Note: But the high in Columbus is supposed to drop 18 degrees on Saturday, with the low going below freezing. Let's hope our brave socio folks read the whole weather forecast before they packed...] - The NY Times recently published
a piece by Elizabeth Little which you might find amusing. It's
called `Rituals - Ablative, Allative,
Adessive, Obsessive'.
- Overheard around the department:
Phonologists in the Bay Area are hopping mad about the naming practices surrounding the conference formerly known as TREND. Not only has their conference name been prefixed, but it has been prefixed P-, creating the phonologically impossible English onset `pt', thereby making their conference name unpronounceable. Adding insult to injury, the imperialists have given their own conference a name prefixed with S-, creating a phonologically permissible English onset `st'. External observers are worried that the naming war may herald in a dark age of informed research on the phonology/syntax interface in Bay Area linguistics.
[But no one seems to mind that Sociolinguistics has been excluded from the s-word. Why is this, wonders the Sesquipeditor?]