Undergraduate Dinner Panel
Everyone enjoyed themselves (and apparently ate a lot of Indian Food) at our recent undergraduate linguistics event. People were excited about VPUE Summer Internships and the upcoming Linguistic Institute, but also about the talks presented by some of our UG majors. These included:
- Tracy Conner: Dialect difference on Myspace and Facebook
- Nick Romero: Gamer speak, language and status
- Cole Paulson: Bilingual Laughter/Changes in religious discourse in praise music
- Did anyone ever mention that Tom Wasow (was elected to and) has joined the LSA Executive Committee, as of this year? We hereby so mention. Congrats, Tom!
Look Who's Talking
- Mary Rose (Ohio State) and Kathryn Campbell-Kibler (U. Michigan) are both giving talks in York this week (That's York as in Yorkshire, not Canada, for you newbies. The latter would be clearly identified as York U. (Toronto). Along similar lines, in case it's not clear, a simple reference to Cambridge always means the original Cambridge (i.e. the one in England), not its US namesake... OK. Another burning scholarly issue resolved by the New Sesquipedalian... You're welcome!
- John Beavers (Georgetown U.) gave a talk at the University of Kentucky on Feb 23rd, called "Semantic Prominence in the Syntax: A Case Study in English Object/Oblique Alternations". He's also presenting at the upcoming Georgetown University Round Table (March 10th): "Predicting argument realization from preposition semantics".
- And those
CUNY papers. Lots of Stanford folks and lots of alums:
Jennifer E. Arnold and Shin-Yi C. Lao
Put in the object position... something previously unmentioned: Heavy-NP-shifting affects on-line reference comprehension - Vera Demberg, Frank Keller and Roger Levy
Eye-tracking Evidence for Frequency and Integration Cost Effects in Corpus Data -
Evelina Fedorenko, Aniruddh Patel, Daniel Casasanto, Jon
Winawer and Edward Gibson
Structural integration in language and music: A shared system. -
T. Florian Jaeger and Neal Snider
Surprisal and Cumulativity in Syntactic Priming - Evidence for Implicit Learning -
Roger Levy, Evelina Fedorenko and Edward Gibson
The syntactic complexity of Russian relative clauses -
Harry Tily, Inbal Arnon, Joan Bresnan, Anubha Kothari and Neal Snider
What makes a construction predictable? Using semantic and contextual cues to better model phonetic reduction -
Evelina Fedorenko and Roger Levy
Information structure and word order in Russian sentence comprehension -
Philip Hofmeister
Memory Retrieval in Dependency Processing -
Roger Levy and Frank Keller
Sentence position and time-course in expectation-based processing of final verbs -
Laura Staum and Ivan Sag
Multiple That: A strategy for reducing integration costs
Jennifer E. Arnold and Shin-Yi C. Lao
- And at
- Phonological constraints on constituent ordering
Arto Anttila - A diachronic account of English deverbal nominals
Stephen Wechsler -
Object-sharing as symmetric sharing: Evidence from serial verb constructions and predicate clefting
Ken Hiraiwa and Adams Bodomo - Long-distance dependencies in Tagalog: The case for raising
Veronica Gerassimova and Peter Sells
- Phonological constraints on constituent ordering
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