Stanford Linguistics
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TREND 2009 Schedule

Margaret Jacks Hall Terrace Room

  • 9:30-10:00: Coffee and Welcome
  • 10:00-10:30: Infrequency vs. ambiguity -- which is more costly?
    Meghan Sumner and Seung-Kyung Kim (Stanford)
  • 10:30-11:00: Is speech talker-oriented or listener-oriented? - Evidence from phonological neighborhood effect in spontaneous speech production
    Yao Yao (Berkeley)
  • 11:00-11:30: Consonant-to-consonant gestural overlap and place assimilation in Korean
    Paul Willis (Santa Cruz)
  • 11:30-12:00: Vowel variation in Elliott County, Kentucky
    Rebecca Greene (Stanford)
  • 12:00-1:30: Lunch Break
  • 1:30-2:00: Non-feature-driven movement and the sentential position of German weak pronouns
    Judith Fiedler (Santa Cruz)
  • 2:00-2:30: On what comes first in a verb-second language
    Line Mikkelsen (Berkeley)
  • 2:30-3:00: Mixed Gender Agreement and Word Order in Tigrinya
    Laura Whitton
  • 3:00-3:30: Break
  • 3:30-4:00: Meaning Targets in Syntax and Morphology: A Study of Hupa Agreement
    Amy Campbell (Berkeley)
  • 4:00-4:30: Varieties of Distributivity: One by One vs. Each
    Adrian Brasoveanu and Robert Henderson (Santa Cruz)
  • 4:30 onward: Social