24 May 2002

Resumption as Resource Management

Ash Asudeh

Stanford University

Glue Semantics (GLUE) is a resource-sensitive theory of the syntax-semantics interface that uses linear logic for meaning composition. Since linear logic is intrinsically resource-sensitive, so is GLUE, without further stipulation.

Once we have a resource-sensitive framework certain issues of resource management arise. I show that the resource management perspective sheds new light on the phenomenon of 'resumptive pronouns', as exemplified by the Irish relative clause in (1):

(1) an  ghirseach ar   ghoid na  síogaí  í
    the girl      COMP stole the fairies her
    "the girl who the fairies stole away"
    (McCloskey 2002, p.7)

The pronoun "i" is a resumptive pronoun (roughly: a bound variable pronoun that is operator-bound; Sells 1984). The relative clause (1) is understood like its English translation.

I will argue that resumption is more general than has previously been assumed. The phenomenon of 'copy raising' also involves what can intuitively be characterized as resumption. Copy raising is shown in the English sentence (2) and the Farsi sentence (3):

(2) Every frat boy seems like he's drunk.
(3) Bacheha  benazar miand    (ke)   birun   bazi kardand.
    children opinion come.3PL (COMP) outside game do.3PL
    "The children seem to have played outside."

Control in certain languages may also involve resumption.

I offer a GLUE theory of the syntax and semantics of resumption that builds on resource-sensitivity. I argue that although resource-sensitivity is a fairly unfamiliar notion in linguistics, it is in fact the basis for a very robust language universal:

(4) Natural languages are resource-sensitive.

This means intuitively that every element of an utterance must be interpreted exactly once.

I claim that resource-sensitivity lies at the heart of various principles in the linguistics literature. Once we acknowledge (4), these independent principles can be greatly simplified or eliminated. The ideal way to incorporate (4) into our linguistic theory is to directly encode it in our theory of the syntax-semantics interface, which has been accomplished in Glue Semantics.

The GLUE theory of resumption introduces the new mechanism of 'manager resources'. It is a general theory of resumption that is grounded in the universal (4) and that captures several important generalizations about resumptive pronouns, while allowing the general treatment of resumption that I argue for. I provide analyses of resumption in Irish relative clauses and in copy raising.

The benefits of the resource management theory of resumption include:

  1. A unified, general theory of resumption.
  2. An explanation of why it is always anaphoric elements that are related to resumption.
  3. Treating resumptive pronouns as exactly the same as other pronouns in the language in question, which predicts the complete absence (typologically) of special resumptive paradigms or special resumptive elements (e.g., resumptive "dummies").
  4. Lexicalism: resumption depends on the presence of manager resources, which are contributed by specific lexical items.
  5. Explaining typological variation for resumption as a matter of lexical inventories.
  6. Framework independence: Glue Semantics is a framework-independent theory of the syntax-semantics interface; the resource management theory and its results can therefore be applied to various frameworks.