1 November 1996

Evidentiality and some discourse characteristics in Japanese From the point of view of territory of information

Akio Kamio

Dokkyo University and University of Colorado, Boulder

In this talk, Professor Kamio will analyze the evidential properties of Japanese, English, and Chinese. The analysis is given in terms of the theory of territory of information, which he has developed in his two papers (Journal of Pragmatics 1994, 1995) and book manuscript in preparation. Based on that analysis, he will claim that Chinese is least strict, English is next least strict, and Japanese is most strict with regard to evidence that supports a given statement. He will also claim that this tendency is reflected in the use of nominal phrases. He will further claim that this characterization applies only to the aspect which the theory of territory of information captures and that in other aspects, different characterizations will hold. For example, in the use of nominal referring expressions, English is most strict and Japanese and Chinese are much less strict.