Readme for Stanford's WYL.ORV
Mainframe source code is in the "Mainframe" folder (directory). Listing are in "Assemblies". The source includes the macro-libraries used to assemble. Note that each folder in "Mainframe" is associated with a mainframe library or dataset with the following naming convention: Library/dataset name folder/dataset gg.uuu/dataset gg.uuu/library/member Examples: WYL.GA.PUB.ERRORS GA.PUB/ERRORS WYL.GA.PUB.WYLHELP GA.PUB/WYLHELP WYL.GG.PUB.INTDOC GG.PUB/INTDOC WYL.GQ.PUB.BATWYL.TXT GQ.PUB/BATWYL.TXT WYL.GS.MIL.MILTEN.MACLIB GS.MIL/MILTEN.MACLIB WYL.GS.MIL.MILTEN.SOURCE GS.MIL/MILTEN.SOURCE WYL.GS.WYL.WYLBUR.MACLIB GS.WYL/WYLBUR.MACLIB WYL.GS.WYL.WINGS.PARMS GS.WYL/WINGS/PARMS WYL.GA.PUB.WYLHELP GA.PUB/WYLHELP All of the SYS1 and SYS3 folders have names which exactly match their equivalent mainframe library dataset names. DIRINFO lists all directory names in Mainframe. DIRLIBS lists all "library" dataset names. The AMY#ASM.txt file in Assemblies is a listing of AMELIA - the NETWORK ACCESS INTERFACE. However, source code and maclibs are not provided for either AMELIA or the assembler. The assembler (ASMA90) is in TESTASM, which is an IEBCOPY unloaded dataset (VS/6160/6164). NOTE: All files are written as plain TEXT files in ASCII with Unix-style line endings (x'0a'). Although creator is set to ttxt (TextEdit), the files should be readable by any text editor (vi, xedit, BBEdit, etc.). Note that all data went through EBCDIC to ASCII conversions, so imbedded special characters like x'FF' might be X'07' instead. When placed on a mainframe, they should be card-image datasets (LRECL=80). See the Assemblies listings for what macro-libraries go with various sources. WINGS The WINGS folder contains all the source for WINGS, the OS interface to datasets for both WYLBUR and ORVYL. There is a "readme.txt" inside that explains more. SYS3.USERMODS.SOURCE This folder contains source code for several MVS alterations to SVCs, such as the "Suzan SVC" (aka: SVCCOMM). This is the inter-region communications package that allows WYLBUR to pass commands to ORVYL, etc. This is also how WYLBUR and ORVYL do their communications with WINGS. SYS3.USERMODS.DIRINFO contains a complete "SHOW DIRECTORY" output for SYS3.USERMODS.SOURCE
Last modified Wednesday, 01-Mar-2006 11:41:56 AM