Digital Humanities: Final Project
James McHenry's The Wilderness, Volume 1
The text is available in both HTML format and in XML format. The XML is encoded in regards to TEI standards
Our search page allows you to search the text within the electronic text. You are allowed to specify the keyword and the number of keywords in context. In addition, you may specify an addition keyword to appear within the keywords in context to refine your search.
In addition, you may choose to specify only words that appears in quotations or words that appear throughtout the entire text.
You can view the various words and frequencies that appear in the text, in addition to the various speakers and how many times they spoke. You can either view the concorance of the entire text or just for the text attributed to a character in the text.
Projection Description
You can learn more about the project and the people behind it by visiting this page.
Theoretical Issues
During the encoding of this text, we encountered various issues that had to be resolved in order to successfully complete this project. You can find more information about these issues by visiting this page.