Jasper Ridge
Biological Preserve Stanford University
Vascular Plant List
Jasper Ridge
Place Names supplemental information
Boat Launch (Searsville Lab Landing), Sector 30 D2
The landing is the only known
location of western dodder
(Cuscuta occidentalis)
where it grows on cocklebur
(Xanthium strumarium).
It is one of several Preserve plant hot spots (e.g., Bear Creek Crossing and
San Francisquito Creek near the Dennis Martin Site) with
a diverse and often changing assemblage of native and naturalized plants
including Wolffia
columbiana, upright burhead
(Echinodorus berteroi), shining pondweed (Potamogeton illinoensis),
cotton-batting plant (Pseudognaphalium stramineum), southern mudwort (Limosella acaulis), knot grass (Paspalum
biennial sagewort
(Artemisia biennis),
and lowland cudweed (Gnaphalium
palustre). Twenty meters north of the landing above the narrow use-trail
grows one of the Preserve's two populations of elegant clarkia (Clarkia
unguiculata). South of the site at the Salix exigua/lake
interface is the Preserve’s largest population of Juncus effusus ssp. pacificus.
Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve
Stanford University Vascular Plant List