1. Go to your class newsgroup: www.stanford.edu/class/wct3b-02 or www.stanford.edu/class/wct3b-04
2. On the class home page, open the link to "Class Newsgroup" for your section, 3b-02 (Tu/Thu 11-12:15) or 3b-04 (Tu/Thu 12:50-2:05).
3. Before you attempt to read or post messages, in the EDIT menu at the top of your screen, scroll down to "Preferences," and under "Preferences" select "Mail and Groups." Then use the following settings:
€ Under "Identity," type your name then your email address (nothing else is necessary). (Please note: If you are on a public cluster, when you are finished with this session, you will want to go back to "Preferences" and "Identity" in order to delete your name and email address after you're done if you're writing from a public cluster so that no one else sends or receives messages in your name.)
€ Under "Mail server," use "smtp.stanford.edu". Under "Groups server," use nntp.stanford.edu
4. When you post a message (either a new message or a reply to one you have read), make sure that in the address box above the message space you have "Discussion" selected, followed by "su.class.wct3b-02" or "su.class.wct3b-04," as appropriate. This way, the whole newsgroup will get the message.