May 21 — Opening of new premises, Na-
tional Gallery of ganada, Ottawa. Call 613-
May 25&26 — Eduardo Mata conducts the
NAC Orchestra, 8:30 p.m., National Arts Cen-
tre, Ottawa. Guher and Suher Pekinel, dud
pianists. Bach, concerto for 2 pianos in C
minor; Poulenc, Concerto for 2 pianos to:
minor; Falla, The Three-Cornered Hat. Ca
May 26-28 — Camelot, 8 p.m., Lake Placid
Center for the Arts. Tickets $6 for adults, $4
for senior citizens and students. Call box of-
fice, 516-523-25127.:
May 31 — Baroque Series, 8:30 p.m., Na-
tional Arts Centre, Ottawa. Tickets $10 to $20
Canadian. Call 613-996-5051. Bach, Branden-
burg Concertos 3 and 5, and Suite NO. 1 in C
major; Leclair; Rameau.
June 2-4 — Camelot, 8 p.m., Lake Placid
Center for the Arts.Call 518-523-2512.
June 4 — Anne Murray, 8 p.m., Olympic
Center, Lake Placid. Reserved seat admis-
sion, $16. Tickets through-ticketron; credit
card, orders and ticket information, 518-523-
June 4 — The Works of Degas, opening at
the National Gjdlery of Canada, Ottawa. : _.
June 9 — Artists' Town Meeting, 4-6 p.m.,
Lake Placid Center for the Arts. Information
on professional and financial opportunities
available to individual artists in New York
State. Contact the Arts Center at 518-523-2512
or Essex County Arts Council, 518-873-6301,
> Ext. 359.
• June 9-11 — Ottawa Children's Festival
• (tentative dates), Ottawa. Music,pdrama, and
entertainment for the younger set. Call 613-
June 17 — Opening of new premises,
National Aviation Museum, Ottawa.
June 17-July 16 - Theater, Man of
LaMancha, Thousand Islands Playhouse,
Gananoque, Ont. Call Jane McDonald,
-Publicist, 613-382-7020.
Jtme 17 - Folk Festival, Finger Lakes Per-
forming Arts Center, Canandaigua. With Tom -
Rush and the Jug Band, Maria Muldaur, John
Sebastian, Christine Lavin, and Livingston
Taylor. Tickets, call 716-222-5000.
June 20 - Rick Springfield, Finger Lakes
Performing Arts Center, Canandaigua, Call
June 28 — Bob Dylan, Finger Lakes Per-
forming Arts Center, Canandaigua. Call 716-
222-5000. Performing with G. E. Smith, Mar-
shall Crenshaw, Christopher Parker. A
special appearance by The Alarm.
June 29 - the Rascals, Finger Lakes Per-
forming Arts Center, Canandaigua. Call 716-
June 30-July 23 — River Barge Productions
presents Rivers, Clayton. Call 686-3347.
July l - Bonnie Raitt, Karla Bonoff, J.D.
Souther, 8 p.m., Olympic Center, Lake Placid.
Tickets $16. On sale through Ticketron, Olym-
pic Center outlets, or Olympic Center Box Of-
fice, 518-523-3330.
—~^uly-2&8 -.Newport Jazz afFlnger Lakes,
Finger Lakes Performing Arts Center,
Canandaigua. Music begins 3 p.m. Tickets in-
side $22.50)i all-day lawn seating $14 m ad-
vance or $16 when bought at the day of the
performance. Call 716-222-5000. Starring Miles
Davis, Carlos Santana, Wayne Shorter, Lary
Carlton, Dianne Reeves, Lee Ritenour, Kenny
G, Lionel Hampton, the O'Jays, the Fabulous
Thunderbirds, local favorites the Steve Gadd
Gang, and: the new-band ironr Buffalo.
July 7 - Film Festival, Diva, 7:30 p.m..
Lake Placid Center for the Arts. Admission,