Symbolic Systems 203

Cognitive Science Perspectives on Humanity and Well-Being

Spring Quarter 2018-2019

Todd Davies

Guidelines for Student Presentations

[updated May 16, 2019]

During Week 10 and Finals Week, each student will present a book, approved by the instructor, relating to the course themes. A list of suggested books is on the course website, although you may propose a book not on the list, or one from a previous course syllabus. Book assignments will be discussed during class in Week 5. Student presentations, based on these book assignments, will be given 25 minutes each (including discussion). Book assignments and presentation times will be finalized in class in Week 6. 

  1. Preparing for class presentation sessions: Each student presenter is expected to distribute to the class electronically an excerpt (15 pages of less) from the book they are going to present. Everyone should read all these excerpts before class.
  2. Comments for student presentation sessions: To assure that each presenter has an interactive experience with other students in the class, each student will be assigned a book on which to post a blog comment by 6pm prior to the class session. These assignments will be made during class in Week 7.
  3. One week before your presentation: Send to the email list a pdf file of a 15 pages or less excerpt of your reading for everyone one week before your presentation. This can be generated through scanning if you do not have access to a digital copy of the entire book. Scanning services are available at Lathrop Library.
  4. For your presentation: