Theme: Simulation
In 2001, (then-)Yale lecturer Nick Bostrom rocked the philosophy world
by arguing that we are all probably (not just
possibly) characters in the
simulation of some superior being. If this is the case, it has
unsettling implications even for those who do not usually trouble
themselves with metaphysical skepticism. What if our sim-user
decides to turn off the computer? Moreover, what does this imply
about the relationship between our lives and "true" reality? What
are the consequences of "living in sim"?
Bostrom's paper has met with its own skepticism, about the soundness of
his arguments. But whether we take the simulation argument
seriously or not, the relationship between simulation and reality is
deeply puzzling. Simulation is, almost by definition, designed to
fool us. Yet, increasingly, we enter simulated worlds
willingly. What is it that we experience or learn from these
simulations? To what extent can we reliably map what we learn
from simulation onto reality, and how can we tell the difference
between simulations that are "realistic" and ones that are not?
In systems science, simulation is a method, which we usually think of
as involving computers. It generally starts with the creation of
a computer model, and a program for evolving it. Computers are
involved when the model is too complex to compute analytically (i.e. to
prove theorems about), and "simulation" is usually distinguished from
formal modeling on this basis. But computational and formal
modeling share the property of claiming a relationship between realilty
and the structural/functional relationships between variables. In
that sense, both could be said to be a form of simulation. Formal
models have provable properties, while computational ones, by
definition, do not. Much is often made of this distinction, but
we will question its importance. Computational models are often
more complicated than formal ones, and much is often made of that too,
on the argument that a complicated model of complicated phenomena is
more likely to be right than ais one that is simple enough to "solve"
analytically. We will question this too. Any type of
mathematically-based modeling (formal or computational) is bound to
result in simplifying assumptions and willful unfaithfulness to the
truth. The modelers usually want to claim that their models are
faithful enough. How do we decide that?
Simulation is also a theme that runs through much of contemporay life,
from computing applications (games, humanoid robots, user models,
simulators, scientific modeling, virtual reality, etc.),
to the
humanities (fiction versus
reality, mediated versus "real" experience, theoretical versus
experiential understanding) to everyday life (role playing, dreaming,
remembering, and fantasy baseball camps). A major purpose of the
course is to expose just how many puzzling questions can be seen as
questions about how much we can trust some form of simulation,
including models we have in our minds about what other people are like
and about what they (or we!) are likely to do in the future.
Simulation, then, befits the course as a topic in systems science,
because it is a very general concept, because simulation is perhaps the
defining method of systems thinking, and because a simulation can be
mapped onto anything that shares its structure, even though the new
target of application may appear to come from a completely different
domain from what inspired the simulation.
Course Overview:
In systems science, the simulation-based work that has received the
most attention in recent years has been Stephen Wolfram's
A New Kind of Science (2002).
The plan I propose for the quarter is to spend the first half of the
term working through much of Wolfram's book, which is available free in
electronic form online (at
Then, for the last five weeks of the quarter, I propose that we devote
each week to a different disciplinary perspective on simulation:
physical and biological science, cognitive science/AI, social science,
philosophy/humanities, and education. During the last half of the
course, discussions will, I propose, be student-led, with the readings
partly reflecting the interests of students who lead discussions each
week. Students will be expected to do more reading for the
topics they present than is expected of the whole class on that
The requirements for the course are that each student (a) lead a
discussion, (b) write a paper based on the material they present, and
(c) write two commentaries based on material presented by other
students. If everyone agrees, I will post papers and commentaries
on this website so that they can be read by all. Guidelines for
the papers/commentaries may be found
Tentative Schedule:
Week 1 (March 29).
Introductions and overview.
Week 2 (April 5).
Meeting by Internet (details to be announced). Groundwork chapters for
A New Kind of Science.
Reading: Wolfram, chapters 1-4
Week 3 (April 12).
"Mechanisms in Programs and Nature" and "Implications for Everyday
Reading: Wolfram, chapters 7-8
Week 4 (April 19).
"Processes of Perception and Analysis" and "The Notion of Computation".
Reading: Wolfram, chapters 10-11
>> Greg
Wayne, Commentary on Wolfram chapter 10
Week 5 (April 26).
"The Principle of Computational Equivalence".
Reading: Wolfram, chapter 12
Pick any two reviews from
W. Edwin
Clark's page of NKS reviews.
Week 6 (May 3).
Perspectives from physical and evolutionary science.
Reading: Stainforth, D.A., et al. (2005).
in predictions of
the climate response to rising levels of greenhouse gasses.
Nature, 433:403-407
with more info at
Nowak, M. A., Komarova, N., & Niyogi, P. (
of universal grammar.
Science 291,
Pinker, S.
(2003). Language as an adaptation to the cognitive niche. In
Christanen, M.H. and Kirby, S. (Eds.),
Language Evolution. New York:
Oxford University Press,
Kauffman, S. (1995).
At Home in the
Universe: The Search for Laws of Self-Organization and Complexity.
New York: Oxford University Press,
pp. 51-66.
>> Katarina Ling, Review of Kaufman
Presenters: Mike LeBeau and Katarina Ling
Week 7 (May 10).
Perspectives from cognitive science and artificial intelligence.
Reading: Simon, H.A. (1981)
. Sciences of the Artificial (Second
edition), excerpts
Brendan O'Connor, Review of Simon
Newell, A. (1973). You can't play 20 questions with nature and
win: Projective comments on the papers of this symposium. In W.G.
Chase (Ed.),
Visual Information Processing. New York: Academic
Sloman, A. (2002). Architecture-based conceptions of mind. In
Gardenfors, P., Kijania-Placek, K., & Wolenski, J. (Eds.),
In the Scope of Logic, Methodology, and
Philosophy of Science (Vol. II). Dordrecht: Kluwer, pp.
>> Kem Ozbek,
of A. Sloman
Langley, P., & Rogers, S. (2005).
learning of hierarchical skills from problem solving and execution,
Technical Report, Institute for the Study of Learning and Expertise,
Palo Alto, California.
>> Ben de
Jesus, Review of Icarus
Recommended: Sloman, S.
architectures, MIT CogNET
Presenters: Kem Ozbek, Ben de Jesus, and Darryl Reeves
Darryl Reeves, Review of Simon and of Newell
>> Jon Shih, Commentary
on Week 7
Week 8 (May 17).
Perspectives from social science.
Reading: Axelrod, R. (2003).
the art of simulation in
the social sciences.
Journal for Management Information Systems.
>> Dylan
Marks, Review of Axelrod
>> Scott
Lanum, Commentary on Axelrod
Rauch, J. (2002).
around corners,
Monthly, April.
>> Darryl
Reeves, Commentary on Rauch
Bailenson, J.N., Beall, A.C., Loomis, J., Blascovich, J., & Turk,
M. (2004).
social interaction: Decoupling representation from behavior and form in
collaborative virtual environments.
PRESENCE: Teleoperators and Virtual
Environments, 13(4), 428-441.
>> Jon Shih, Review of
Bailenson et al.
>> Katarina
Ling, Hesitations
about Transformed Social Interaction (Commentary)
Presenters: Brendan O'Connor, Jon Shih, and Dylan Marks
Brendan O'Connor, Simulation
versus analytic methods
Week 9 (May 24).
Perspectives from philosophy and the humanities.
Reading: Baudrillard, J. (1991).
and science fiction.
Fiction Studies, 18(3).
>> Greg Wayne, Review
of Baudrillard
>> Kem Ozbek,
on Week 9
Benjamin, W. (1936).
work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction.
>> Dylan
Marks, Commentary on Simulation of Art
Lessig, L. (2004). Transformers,
Free Culture. Penguin,
chapter 8, pp. 100-107
>> Scott
Lanum, Commentary on Lessig
Bostrom, N. (2001).
Are you living
in a computer simulation?
>> Brian Eggleston, Review of
Presenters: Greg Wayne and Brian Eggleston
Week 10 (May 31).
Perspectives from education.
SimCity 4
Reading: Squire, K. (2003).
Video games in
International Journal
of Intelligent Simulations and Gaming, 2(1).
>> Jon Shih, Commentary
on Squire
Widdison, R., Aikenhead, M., & Allen, T. (1998).
in legal education.
13th Annual BILETA Conference: "The Changing
Jurisdiction", Dublin, March 27-28.
Groupman, J. (2005).
model patient: Howsimulators are changing the way doctors are trained.
The New Yorker, 81(May 2):
>> Scott
Lanum, Review of Groopman
Parker, S.T. (1984).
for keeps: An evolutionary perspective on human games. In Smith,
P.K. (Ed.),
Play in Animals and
Humans, pp. 271-294.
>> Tony
Tulathimutte, Review of Parker
Greg Wayne, Commentary on Parker
Presenters: Tony Tulathimutte, Scott Lanum, and Michelle Lee
Katarina Ling, Value of Unwinnable Games (Commentary)
>> Brian
Eggleston, Commentary and Education and
>> Dylan
Marks, Commentary and Simulation and Education
>> Ben de
Jesus, Commentary on Simulations and Games
Film Series: "Simulation and Its
We will be showing films after class, beginning at 9:15, in the course
classroom (160-314). These films have been chosen by students and
the instructor to go with the theme of the course and are open to
people who are not taking the course. The scheduled films are:
April 26 - Pi (1998, 84 mins.)
May 3 - Primer (2004, 78 mins.)
May 10 - The Stepford Wives (1975, 115 mins.)
May 17 - Quiet Rage: The Stanford Prison Study (1988, 52 mins.) and
Obedience (1965, 40 mins.)
May 24 - Zelig (1983, 79 mins.)
May 31 - Black Like Me (1964, 107 mins.)