Computers and Social Decisions (3 units)
Spring Quarter 2003-2004, Stanford University
Instructor: Todd Davies
Background on Political Consciousness and Media, continued
Some systemic causes of democratic failure
Criteria other than popular support often predominate in legislatures:
pork-barrel deals, influence-buying, preservationist bias (e.g. defense
spending after the Cold War)
Representation, concentration of power distort incentives - more true
greater the concentration of power
Distance of government from localities
Size of the polity
Economic inequality can perpetuate itself through disproportionate
on outcomes
Some approaches to these problems
Past approaches (term limits, motor voter legislation, vote-by-mail)
Campaign finance reform (soft money ban; but see Buckley vs Valeo -
Electoral reform
None of the above (NOTA) - failed in CA in March 2000
open primaries
alternative voting systems (instant runoff, proportional representation)
Lottery government (Phillips and Callenbach)
Participatory democracy
Deliberative democracy
Fishkin, Luskin, and Jowell - deliberation changes people's minds,
dramatically and lastingly, if they are exposed to opinions of a random
sample of citizens