Computers and Social Decisions (3 units)
Spring Quarter 2001-2002, Stanford University
Instructor: Todd Davies
Background on the Internet and Democracy (4/10/2002)
Characteristics: old versus new media
Old media: one directional (mass media); slower; more established
New media: bidirectional (exchange); faster; more convenient for user,
more dynamic, more global, more difficult to control/regulate; easier to
filter; cheaper at the margin; personalization
Some observations
20th century media (broadcasting): one-to-many, with little opportunity
to talk back; tended to draw people away from each other - authoritative
rather than interactive
Also some positive effects - broadcasting government proceedings in some
countries, for example
Television and movies increase focus on images, 2-dimensional. "The medium
is the message" - McLuhan; point ignored in early persuasion research of
the 1950s
"Old" media in many ways anti-democratic - increased power of a few ruling
over the many across vast distances
Internet and new media provide new possibilities for decentralized social
decision making, dialogue, and dissemination. Will this potential
be realized?
Barber - 3 possibilities: Panglossian - complacency, Pandoran - caution,
Jeffersonian - hope
Rheingold - need for people to be able to come together based on affinity,
with technologocical and social infrastructure that supports the "public
Sunstein - danger of narrowcasting, selective exposure, group polarization
Failures of democracy in the U.S.
Failure of representative government to reflect the will of the people
(e.g. health care, gun control) - may sometimes be seen as failure of "tyrrany
of the majority" (e.g. free speech, separation of church and state, guns?)
Popular misconceptions (e.g. foreign aid, overhead costs of private versus
public health insurance, wealth and income inequality)
Failure of plebiscites seemingly in the interests of the majority, e.g.
Prop 217 in California (1996) - 51% voted against restoring a slightly
higher marginal tax rate (10-11% instead of 9.3%) on the top 1% of income
recipients, even though 99% or residents would experience no tax increase
and it would raise needed revenue for public services
CA Proposition 186 and Federal health care reform - 1994; Prop 186 (Single
payer health insurance for all Californians) lost by a large margin, and
even 42% of the uninsured voted against it
Education and prison bond votes from 70s to 90s favored more costly incarceration
instead of spending on schools
Success of popular initiatives limiting individual rights (e.g. CA Props
187 - 1994, 209 - 1996, 227 - 1998, 21/22 - 2000)
"Sledgehammer" effect - overly broad legislation (e.g. Prop 13 - 1978,
rent control in San Francisco)
Rapid rise in wealth/income inequality in u.s. since ~1977, tax changes
that benefit the wealthy or better-off (decline in top tax bracket from
85.5% in the late 50s to 26.7% in 1989; for median family rose from
9.06% to 24.3% during the same interval)
Rise of supranational institutions that subvert local democracy (WTO,
IMF/World Bank, Hague protocols?)
Some systemic causes of democratic failure
Criteria other than popular support often predominate in legislatures:
pork-barrel deals, influence-buying, preservationist bias (e.g. defense
spending after the Cold War)
Representation, concentration of power distort incentives - more true the
greater the concentration of power
Distance of government from localities
Size of the polity
Economic inequality can perpetuate itself through disproportionate influence
on outcomes
Some approaches to these problems
Past approaches (term limits, motor voter legislation, vote-by-mail)
Campaign finance reform (soft money ban; but see Buckley vs Valeo - 1976)
Electoral reform
None of the above (NOTA) - failed in CA in March 2000
open primaries
alternative voting systems (instant runoff, proportional representation)
Lottery government (Phillips and Callenbach)
Participatory democracy
Deliberative democracy
Fishkin, Luskin, and Jowell - deliberation changes people's minds, sometimes
dramatically and lastingly, if they are exposed to opinions of a random
sample of citizens
Biases in mass media - the standard progressive view
Increasing control of broadcast and print media in the hands of a few conglomerate
entertainment companies (see
- result of deregulatotory legislation
U.S. unique in extent of private broadcast media control - even PBS has
commercials (roots in 30s decisions about radio - McChesney book)
U.S. also has most economic inequality among rich countries
Corporate controlled media bias reporting because of
lack of separation between corporation's interests and news reporting (e.g.
Time's Man of the Year 2001, cross-promotion) - must answer to stockholders,
maximize profits
influence with politicians through contributions, opportunities for access
(including as commentators)
internalized values of well-paid media employees
desire for exciting news stories, but underlying stability
geared toward well-off customers, bring in more money
threats of lawsuits by corporations (e.g. movie The Insider)
Good reference: Chomsky and Herman, Manufacturing Consent: The Political
Economy of Mass Media - institutional analysis; problem is structural rather
than due to the values of people who are interested in reporting the news
- those who don't go along have a hard time keeping their jobs
Some problems with the standard view
Public has shown little interest in alternative media even when it is widely
available (e.g., KPFA's ratings have not grown much despite its availability
throughout the bay area)
U.S. is in many respects more democratic, less paternalistic than the "egalitarian"
countries of europe - more referenda, less secrecy, more free speech; and
europeans often move rightward when popular voice is heard
Widespread belief in u.s. that media are biased toward being too liberal,
not too conservative
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