| | Schedule of Primary Reading & Discussion
Primary readings
(Mandelstam's collected work) are on reserve at Green Library
 | Secondary reading
assignments, general and and supplementary bibliographical guides will be
distributed in class

& Date |
Readings and Discussion Topics |
Sept. 22 |
Introduction: Mandelstam and the Modernist Paradigm
Chronology and Periodization
- Editions and Publication; Memoirs and Scholarship; Approaches to Mandelstam
- Mandelstam and the Modernist Paradigm, Western and Russian
- Камень. Первая книга стихов (1913). From Symbolism to Post-Symbolism
Reading: Poems «Звук осторожный...», «Дано мне тело», «Silentium» (1910), «Айя-София», «Notre Dame». |
Sept. 29 |
Mandelstam’s Early Poetry and Prose in the Context of Russian Modernism and the 1905 Revolution, Revolt Against Symbolism
- Вехи(The Signposts, ed. M.O. Gershenzon)
- Crisis of Symbolism (Briusov, Bely, Vyach. Ivanov, Blok, Kuzmin)
- Цех поэтов (Poets' Guild) and Emergence of Acmeism (Gumilev, Akhmatova, Mandelstam, Zenkevich, Narbut)
- Futurist and Acmeist manifestoes
Reading: Mandelstam’s first books of poetry (Камень, 1913 and 1916);
Essays: «Франсуа Виллон» «Утро Акмеизма», «О собеседнике»
Background: Symolism and Its Manifestoes |
Oct. 6 |
Patterns of Identity and Cultural Archetypes. A Comparative Perspective: Mandelstam, Akhmatova, Gumilev, Mayakovsky
Reading: Камень (the second book of poetry, 1916)
Essay «Пушкин и Скрябин»
Selections of the new “city” poems from Akhmatova, Gumilev, Mayakovsky
Background: City in Briusov, Blok, Bely, and Annensky |
Oct. 13 |
Ontogeny Recapitulates Phylogeny: Mandelstam Tristia (War, Revolution, and Uses of Antiquity)
Reading: Tristia (1921)
Reading: «Rome» poems, «Зверинец», «Когда октябрьский нам готовил временщик», The poems of Tristia(«Сумерки свободы», :Декабрист», «Исаакий под фатой молочной белизны»
Essays: «Петр Чаадаев», «Слово и культура», «О природе слова»
Optional: monographs by Broyde, Ronen, and Taranovsky; A Coat of Many Colors. Timenchik, «Заметкиобакмеизме» I, II, and III |
Oct. 18 |
First paper (analysis of a poem) is due |
Oct. 20 |
1921-25: Discontinuities and Conjunctions. Contemporary Reception. Mandelstam and Futurism Revisited
Poetry: «Концерт на вокзале», «Век», «Грифельная ода», «1 января 1924»
Read/Review: O. Ronen, Ronen, O. An Approach to Mandel's^tam. Jerusalem, 1984. |
Oct. 27 |
Mandelstam the Critic: On Poetry (1928), the Puzzle of Alexander Blok , and a Conversation About Dante (Dialogue with the Formalists and Bakhtin’s Circle)
Read/Review: Опоэзии, «Армия поэтов», «Конец Романа», РазговороДанте (On Poetry, «An Army of Poets», «The End of the Novel», Conversation About Dante) |
Nov. 3 |
Memories and Surrender: The Noise of Time and The Egyptian Stamp
(Mandelstam, Konstantin Vaginov, Zoshchenko, Ilf and Petrov and Self-Image of Russian Intelligentsia)
Reading: Шум времени, Египетская марка, Четвертая Проза |
Nov. 8 |
Second paper (analysis of a prose piece) is due |
Nov. 10 |
Moscow Notebooks: Mandelstam and the Culture of the First Five-Year Plan
Prose: Путешествие в Армению (Journey to Armenia), selections
Poetry: Московские тетради («Еще далеко мне до патриарха», «Квартира тиха, как бумага», «На смерть Андрея Белого», «Стихи о русской поэзии,» «Восьмистишия,» «Мы живем, под собою не чуя страны») |
Nov. 15
Monday |
Mandelstam and Stalin: The Poet Remembered
Reading: Воронежские тетради (the “Ode” and the Ode Cycle)
Memoirs of Nadezhda Mandelstam and Emma Gershtein |
Nov. 22-26 - Thanksgiving Week – No Classes |
Nov. 29 |
Book Review is due |
Dec. 1 |
Mandelstam, Sots-Art, Timur Kibirov, Sergey Gandlevsky and the Paradigms of Soviet/Russian Experience |