Bioe225/Rad225: Transcranial Ultrasound Neuromodulation
Lectures recorded for asynchronous viewing
In-person discussion and hands-on demos, regulations permitting
General Course Description
Goals of the course
to learn the fundamentals of ultrasound physics, as needed for ultrasound neuromodulation
to learn the fundamentals of ultrasound neuromodulation physiology
Changes from Prior Years
Time and Location
Recordings of the lectures will be available for asynchronous viewing.
If Covid permits, we will meet in person on Mondays for group discussions of the prior week's lectures. We will meet on Wednesdays for a hands-on demo/lab, followed by TA office hours. In person meetings will take place at the Lucas Center.
If Covid does not permit us to meet in person, Mondays will be group discussions of the prior week's lectures by Zoom. We'll have to forgo the hands-on part, but we can make videos and incorporate them into our lectures.
Course Overview
Lectures will be posted by the dates indicated in the outline. Each week, students will learn the material in the two posted lectures, submit 3 questions on Canvas by Sunday at 6 pm, and come to the Monday discussion sessions prepared to discuss the prior week's lectures. Guest speakers will be invited to come to these discussion sessions.
Each Wednesday will be a hands-on demo followed by office hours. If Covid does not permit, then it will just be office hours.
Homeworks will cover mostly physics material. Homeworks will be due on Fridays. Ananya will have TA sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays. The physics homeworks will extend throughout the quarter, even as the lecture material will move to biological effects of ultrasound on the brain. In the last few weeks, homeworks will give way to a project to be presented to the class at the end of the quarter. Students will have a choice of projects.
Students are required to submit questions on the lectures, be present for the discussion sessions with cameras on, turn in the homeworks, and do the project. Grading will be based on these.
First Week
On the first Monday, Kim will be available to answer questions about the class. On the first Wednesday, Anaya will provide an introduction to Matlab. The first discussion will take place on Monday of the second week and cover the two lectures from the first week.
On the first Wednesday, Ananya will provide an introduction to Matlab.
Course Materials