Getting Stata
A. Where can I run Stata?
1. On Unix
- Sweet Hall
(2nd floor): 24 hours, 102 Unix computers, 3 Printers (free)
- Meyer Unix
Cluster (1st floor): 24 hours, 23 Unix computers, No Printer (But you
may find your jobs at Sweet Hall if you
have time and luck)
Good: Fast/Stable (no worry for bug or downs)/Jobs are stored directly to your home directory
- Bad:
Cannot use MS
Word to paste your
works/ "you have a new mail" pops up and beeps while you are working
Not familiar to Social Scientists
Q. So, how can I access to
Stata on Unix?
: Enter SUNet ID, Password -> (When it askes "Run X Window?" )
hit, 'Y' -> Type in 'Stata'
2. On Windows
- Meyer
PC Cluster (2nd floor): 8am - 12pm, 16 PC, 1 Printer ($1 dollars/page)
- Green
Library Social Science Reserach Center (1st floor, BingWing): 9am-12pm,
3 PC, 1 Printer (free)
- Polisci
PC Room (3rd floor, Encina West): 24 hours, 10 PC, 3 Printers (free); " Polisci Graduates Only "
Good: Familiar System/You can use MS Word to past your works
- Bad:
Slow/Unstable/Need to use FTP to store jobs to your home directory
3. On Mac
- Meyer
Mac Cluster (2nd floor): 8am-12pm, 31 Mac, 2 Printers ($ 1 dollars/page)
+ Good:
Same as above
- Bad: Need
to use Fetch
to store jobs
to your home directory
B. I would like to set up my computer to use Stata on the Leland system.
You can also access to Stata and run the data on your computer via X Window system. The problem is the program size is quite big (50-80 MB) and the installation procedure is quite difficult (Alex says that the commercial one is not tricky to install at all) . Good thing is that you can also get it for free, and once you installed it, you can also use lots of other softwares that Stanford licensed (Click here the list of programs that you can use). So, it depends upon you....
1. Requirement: enough
space and memory, fast internet connection (computer), and a little
sophisticated knowledge on Unix commands (you)
2. Download
and Install X
Window System (, free)
3. Follow
the instruction as shown (seriously, not easy....)
*** You can also refer
to Moonhawk (our last year PS 100a/200a TA)'s fabulous manual on how to set
up X Window system .
3. Well, maybe I'd rather get my own copy....
Easy to install and use, and best way to avoid all the hassle. Afterall, most of Phd students in Polisci end up with having one in their laptop.... It is true that it costs "money", but the good news is that even though Stanford does not have a campus license for Stata, it places a bulk purchase, so that we can get it at a much discounted price.
- $55, Small Stata (can analyze a max. 99 variables on about 1,000
observations) with the Getting Started manual
- $99, Intercooled Stata (can analyze a max. 2,047 variables without limit on
observations) with the Getting Started manual
- Hareware requirements: Memory-8MB/ Disk Space -20MB
- For purchase, please contact software licensing (3rd floor, Sweet Hall) at or 725-9121
For more information,