Lab 3 Saturday May 18, 2002
*Location: Panama parking lot between Roble field and
the parking structure. We will be
driving around campus, NOT in the
parking lot. Therefore, show up on
time, and if no one is there, we're out with a group and will be back shortly.
at least 1 floppy disk per group! These
files are going to be big!
request a time/group change, email Matt (
Time Group Members
9:00-9:30 Mark Merlo, Russell Layton, Jonathon
9:30-10:00 Loren
Rideoet, Michael Hawkes, Ryan Hanson
10:30-11:00 Doug
Bourne, Jen Wekselbaum, Pablo Brabo
11:00-11:30 Stephanie
Kubik, Bernard Chan
11:30-12:00 Bob
Matarese, Harris Yong, Kevin Chow
12:00-12:30 Jinkyu Yang, Jinwhan Kim, Jae Chul Cha
12:30-1:00 Onno
Koelman, Buzzy Bonneau, Nick Webb, Stan Smith
1:00-1:30 Jessica
Jenkins, Greg Davis, James Auxier