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Math 53
Winter 2025

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  1. General exam information.
  2. Exam information
  3. Regrade policy
  4. OAE information
  5. Information for athletes

General information

Each student is allowed to bring one 8.5 × 11-inch piece of paper (regular printer paper) to each exam on which they can put on both sides whatever material they wish from the course coverage as an Exam Reference Sheet to be used by the student during the exam. Both the front and back can be used, but it must be handwritten!

With the exception of the Exam Reference Sheet, all exams for Math 53 are closed-book with no calculators or other electronic aids permitted. (We keep the numbers reasonably simple on exams, so there is no need for a calculator.)

Each midterm counts 20% toward your final grade, and the final exam counts 30% toward your final grade.

The evening midterm dates are given below; it is your responsibility to verify right now that you can attend these exams. Please contact your instructor as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend one of the midterms. If you need to reschedule the exam you must do so at least two weeks before the exam. The final exam cannot be rescheduled, per university policy.

You will have assigned seating for exams. The seating chart will be posted in the exam classroom on the day of the exam; you are responsible for arriving a few minutes early to find your seat before the exam starts. Failure to sit in your assigned seat will be considered a breach of the Stanford Honor Code and be handled accordingly.

If an emergency occurs and you need to miss an exam, contact your instructor as soon as possible.


Midterm exam 1

When: Thursday, Jan 30, 8-10 pm
Where: TBD
What: Chapters 1-8

Midterm exam 2

When: Thursday, February 20, 8-10 pm
Where: TBD
What: Chapters 9-17

Final exam

When: Tuesday, March 18, 12:15-3:15 p.m.
Where: TBD
What: Chapters 1-26 (with emphasis on Chapters 18-26)

Regrade policy

There is a regrade process after each midterm exam to address possible grading issues on individual problems. You must submit your request on Gradescope, clearly explaining why the particular problem merited more points. The deadline for regrade requests will be announced on Canvas after each exam.

NOTE: Once submitted, any part of the exam may be regraded, and your grade can go up or down.

Office of Accessible Education accommodations

Please see the main page for information on OAE accommodations.

Student Athletes

If you are involved in a sport which may require you to travel this quarter, and especially if you will miss either of the midterms, please let the instructor know as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be made. You are also responsible for homework while traveling.

Winter 2025 -- Department of Mathematics, Stanford University
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