Due: Friday, January 23 (by noon)
Submit assignments electronically to all three teachers
(ron.kaplan "at" microsoft.com, tracy.king "at" microsoft.com, mforst "at" parc.com)
Turn in for PART 1: | 1. the final walkthrough grammar you end up with; please name it lastname-eng-walkthrough.lfg |
2. a list of 10 sentences that your augmented walkthrough grammar can parse | |
Turn in for PART 2: | 3. the final grammar you end up with (eng-week1.lfg); please name it lastname-eng-week1.lfg |
4. a paragraph discussing the monkey/sheep example |
Do the XLE "walkthrough". Do not do the transfer walkthrough that is at the very end (we will talk about transfer at the end of the course).
The walkthrough (and all the XLE documentation) is on-line at:
The walkthrough has two parts:
You need to do both parts of the walkthrough.
You should augment this grammar by adding to the lexicon:
Turn in: This augmented grammar, named lastname-eng-walkthrough.lfg.
Create a list of 10 sentences that your augmented grammar can parse.
Turn in: This list of sentences.
Start from the grammar eng-week1.lfg
Do not use punctuation or capital letters; in later grammars we will add these in.
If you put a file called xlerc in the directory with your grammar and in xlerc you put:
create-parser eng-week1.lfg
then whenever you start xle in that directory, it will automatically load eng-week1.lfg. This will save a lot of time when making and testing changes.
If the problem is that a word is not listed in the lexicon, a message to this effect will appear in the XLE window, in addition to the morphology window appearing:
% parse "a monkey in the garden devours a banana" parsing {a monkey in the garden devours a banana} Chart unconnected because of unknown words Word possibly causing problem: garden 0 solutions, 0.01 CPU seconds, 0 subtrees 0 %Add the missing entry.
Try the sentences:
a monkey sees the banana a girl is devouring the orange
Add the missing entries with the relevant PRED and TENSE features.
Extend the lexicon and the S and VP-rules to cover the temporal adverbs yesterday and today:
the girl saw the monkey yesterday the girl saw the monkey yesterday in the park yesterday the girl saw the monkey
You will need a new c-structure category to do this. In terms of f-structure, their contribution should end up in the same set as those of local PPs modifying verbs (e.g., in the park in the girl saw the monkey in the park).
When you make a change to the rule, you must restart XLE for it to take effect. XLE should warn you if you forgot to restart:
Warning: File /tilde/thking/eng-week1.lfg containing non-lexicon section has been changed. Non-lexicon changes will not take effect until exit from XLE and restart.
3.1 Add a treatment of ditransitive verbs to the grammar and the lexicon. Classically in LFG the second object is analyzed as OBJ2.
the girl gave the monkey a banana the girl gives the monkey a banana the girls give the monkey a banana the girl is giving the monkey a banana
Make sure that the grammatical functions you are using are defined in the CONFIG section under GOVERNABLERELATIONS.
Your analysis should avoid adding a spurious ambiguity to ordinary transitive sentences:
the monkey devoured the banana
should still have only one analysis.
3.2 Add verbs taking a prepositional object. The standard LFG analysis assumes a function OBL for these (OBL stands for "oblique").
the monkey thought about a banana
How do you have to modify the f-annotation of the PPs in the verb rule? Again, don't forget to add the new grammatical function in the CONFIG section.
In the current version of the grammar, subject-verb number agreement is checked by a constraining equation like:
(^ SUBJ NUM) =c sg
(^ SUBJ NUM) =c pl
Can you explain the difference in the grammar's behaviour for the following two sentences?
the monkey sleeps the sheep sleeps
What are the options for fixing the problem? Implement your preferred solution so that both sentences get only one parse.
Turn in: When you turn in your final grammar (named lastname-eng-week1.lfg), include in the email a paragraph discussing the difference.
If you have any questions, you can send us email (ron.kaplan "at" microsoft.com, tracy.king "at" microsoft.com, mforst "at" parc.com), call us (Ron: 650-245-6865; Tracy: 415-8487276, Martin: 650-812-4788), or set up office hours with us.