Phonology 1:
Class Slides
Sound File for do
Today we will make the transition from phonetics to phonology,
focusing on the effects of adjacent sounds on each other. This will
serve as the basis for the next two classes, which will focus on
the analysis of phonological alternations.
Language File 3.1,3.2
Depending on how you organize your work, you may want to read
all of File 3 at once. However, specific sections are listed for
each day of this week to fit the readings as well as possible with
what we'll be doing in class.
There will be at least one class on sign language later in the
course, at which time we will deal directly with the material on
American Sign Language that you find in these chapters. It's up to you
whether you want to read this material (and do the exercises that
involve sign) now or save it all for
later. At the moment, you are only responsible for spoken language.
Language File 3.6. Exercises 1-3, 6-8, 25-33.
There is a nice
simple cookbook
for doing phonemic analysis on Robert Kirchner's website.
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