ALC 2007
Social Stratification VocabularyLecture Vocabulary
Achieved something that you earned, you can control (e.g., education, occupation etc.) Ascribed something you are born into, and have little or no control over (e.g., race, gender, caste in India, etc.) Horatio Alger myth the idea that anyone, regardless of social standing, can reach the top levels of power and wealth with enough effort (hard work), and perseverance. Ethnicity -- a socially constructed category of people who share a set of common cultural traits (e.g., language, culture, traditions, sometimes religion etc.) Race -- a socially constructed category of people who share a set of roughly similar genetic characteristics, or gene frequencies Role the expected behavior of a person occupying a particular position (or having a particular status). Social stratification (very broad) a vertical ordering of society into groups of people that have unequal amounts of resources, life-chances, and power. opportunities that people have to acquire "things" that are valued and desirable in a society. Power the ability to realize ones will against the resistance of others (one of the many definitions of power) Social class a category of people with approximately similar incomes and occupations, who share similar lifestyles. Social mobility (in general) the moves of individuals or groups from one position to another. It might be horizontal or vertical.
Status the social honor or prestige that a particular individual is accorded by other members of a society. |