ALC 2007
Library LinksSome students may want to access the library or the library databases for their final projects. Below are a few useful links. INFO TRAC: A database for searching general magazine and newspaper articles.
The following links are from the Stanford University Library research orientation given to ALC students 2003. Library Homepage: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/
place to start. You can access most of the following information from this page. Databases: http://www-sul.stanford.edu/catdb/alldata.html An alphabetical list of databases. Includes indexes that point to articles in journal literature, as well as some full-text online. Recommended: Academic Universe: full text newspaper and selected magazine
articles, great
legal articles Facts.com: complete text of Facts on File News Digest Magazine and Journal Articles:
both popular and scholarly sources, many full-text online. Go to http://www-sul.stanford.edu/guides/articles.html
for Help. PAIS: politics, economics, public policy PsycInfo: psychology Sociological Abstracts:
sociology and popular culture Books: type the following into a keyword search:
opposing viewpoints and [your subject]
current controversies and [your subject] Example:
opposing viewpoints and women |