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Peru: Case Studies

David Bloch


Country : Peru

Program : Programa TIPS

Location : Lima, Peru

Sponsorship of the Program : The Programa TIPS is run by the Pro-Educacion  foundation. The program receives funds from large enterprises who sponsor the TIPS. Programa TIPS is also allied with the two largest supermarket chains in Peru and with numerous panaderias.

History of the Program : The program was founded by the Pro-Educacion foundation. Peruvian congressman and President of the Pro-Educacion foundation, Rafael Rey Rey, came up with the idea in the early nineties.

Approximate Number of Children Served :

Characteristics of the Children Served : This program serves both "children from the street" and "children of the street". This is so because the program targets all children who are beggars. Those children who benefit the most are those with alcoholic parents or brothers who use the child's money to buy alcohol or other drugs.

How Children are Recruited : Any child beggar is part of the Programa TIPS.

Program Services : Programa TIPS is a cycle. First, private companies give money to the Pro-Educacion foundation. This money is used to make thousands of cardboard coins which have the company sponsorship on one side. These are given to the two supermarket chains which offer the coins as change, instead of cash to their customers(1 TIP = 1 Real). The customners, in turn, when beggars approach them on the street, give the TIPS to them. The children can later use this TIPS to buy food. This food can be bought in two different places. In the poorer sections of Lima, there are extensive "comedores populares"(Peruvian term for places, run by nuns, which sell food for very cheap prices). In the nicer parts of town, Programa TIPS has made deals with various panaderias which accept the TIPS from these kids and give them bread and sandwiches in return. At the end of the month, the "comedores populares" and these panaderias cash the TIPS for money at the Pro-Educacion foundation.

Financial Basis of the Program : The program is almost self-sufficient because companies pay lots of money to the foundation because they get great marketing. The bakeries accept because they get a solid customer base (even if they do not buy much) and the supermarkets also get their name marketed. Whenever there is a deficit, the Pro-Educacion foundation covers it. Much of this money comes from personal donations from Catholic Opus-Dei followers (Rafael Rey Rey belongs to the Opus Dei).

Philosophy of Approach : This program seeks to end with child explotation by other family members and with the use of drugs amongst very poor children.

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