Peru: Case Study
Stephany Arroyo
Casa de Milagros (House
of Miracles) in Cusco, Peru
The Chandler Sky Foundation is a non profit organization based in Cusco, Peru. The foundation, from the information provided on their website, intends to open and run a children’s community?called the Casa de Milagros.
The program is supported by the Global Dialogue Institute (GDI), the Oasis Preserve International, and the Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs Organization (SEE). The goal of the CSF foundation is to create a self sufficient home that provides for healing, development and independent growth for its residents.
The home serves 40 orphaned and abandoned children primarily from Cusco, Peru, ages two to ten. Children are allowed to stay in the program until they are eighteen. It is hoped that some of the young adults will remain at Casa de Milagros to act as community leaders and role models for new community members. The home will provide these children with food, shelter, clothing and basic medical care. The children will learn basic education, social and communication skills, and most importantly, will develop trade skills that will help the children become independent.
The foundation is primarily funded by donations. They have established a "Support a child Program" in which a donation of $1500 a year will support a street child’s stay at the Casa de Milagros.
The special feature of the program is that it encourages growth through a variety of avenues. Also, the program stresses the importance of harmony with oneself and with nature. They hope to establish permacultural values in all of its residents?teaching organic farming and gardening techniques, teaching and encouraging recycling and conservation. This approach, it is hoped, will not only benefit the home itself but also serve as an example of how to live for surrounding communities.
All in formation on the program can be found at their website:
For information, or to make a donation, contact:
SEE/PFPI Chandler Sky Foundation
Tax ID# 95-4116679
c/o Ralph B. Bunje, Jr.
Project Director
Bunje, Buss, and Lloyd
930 Montgomery Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94133
Phone: 415-782-5218 ext. 221
Fax : 415-782-5209
E-mail: bunjejump@aol.com
Peru Contact:
Kia Ingenlath
Correo Central Urubamba
Cusco, Peru
E-mail: kiamilagros@hotmail.com