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Dominican Republic: Case Study 2001 

Andrea Osborn

street children in Santo Domingo

Sponsorship of Program:

Children on the Move is a small program operated by the local association of the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. This local association operates through the World Alliance of YMCA’s.  The World Alliance of YMCA’s is a Non-Governmental Organization financed by annual contributions from National YMCA Movements. The majority of funding for these movements comes from memberships and donations.

History/background of program:

The YMCA of Santo Domingo was established in 1980 by Andres Fortunato.  Immediately, the YMCA recognized that Santo Domingo was lacking in any programs geared directly towards street children.  At the time, the only program available for street children in Santo Domingo required a paid membership or sponsorship.  In an effort to address the problem of street children in Santo Domingo, Children on the Move was established in the early nineties.  The program, however, did not become firmly established until 1997.  In 1997, the program received international recognition as part of a movement within the World Alliance of YMCA’s concentrated on improving the lives of children.   Since then, it has been featured on the World Alliance web page and in publications.

Approximate number of children served:

Children on the Move serves almost 60 youth.

Characteristics of the children served:

The ages of the children served range from 6 to 18 years.  Most of the children live and work on the streets.  If a child is viewed as running the risk of soon living on the street, they are also accepted into the program.

How the Children are recruited/selected:

Street Educators frequent the streets of Santo Domingo sharing information about the program, but all children in the program arrive by their own free will.  In addition to the street educators efforts, children are also referred to the program by institutions of social services established in other regions and cities.

Program services:

Upon arrival at the YMCA center in Santo Domingo, children are immediately offered facilities for bathing and cleansing themselves.  Then, staff assigned to the program by the Department of Health and Social Well-being conduct medical checks and psychological evaluations and provide necessary medications. All cases are carefully followed up and monitored.   Currently, the program is staffed by three employees and four volunteers who work from Monday to Saturday from eight in the morning to six at night.

While a goal of the program is to help street children eventuality attend public schools, instruction and tutoring is also offered at the YMCA center through the program.  IN addition, the children participate in the recreational activities of the YMCA.

Financial basis of the program:

Funding is provided by private donations and memberships and the World Alliance.

Philosophy or approach:

Children on the Move aims at assistance and prevention in several stages to gradually achieve re-education and re-insertion in normal school activities.

Special features:

In addition to psychological services, the program also offers food and shelter for many of the children.  Workshops on carpentry and farming are also offered so that in the future the program may become self-sustainable.

Contact information:

ACJ/YMCA, Inc. de la República Dominicana
Calle Mercedes No. 501 (Altos), Apartado 705, Santo Domingo
Tel: (+1-809) 688 1507, 688 7198, 688 0118, 688 0119
Fax: (+1-809) 682 9927
E-mail: Asoc.cristiana@codetel.net.do

meeting with a street educator


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