The Information Society Index Emerging Virtual Have and Have Not Countries

Slides from Wilford Welch's Presentation for the CLAS194/CS377C group and invited guests, December 1, 1999.

Wildford Welch is the Publisher of "The World Times," and Director of Global Research, Information Society Index. (For more information, please see )

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Table of Contents

The Information Society Index Emerging Virtual Have and Have Not Countries

Can All Societies Really Catch up?

Information Societies Must Have Four Legs

The ISI's Four Legs and 23 Variables

Which Countries Does the ISI Track Each Year?

Third Annual ISI Results I

Third Annual ISI Results II

Third Annual ISI Results III

Slide #9

Slide #10

Slide #11

Slide #12

Slide #13

Slide #14

Slide #15

Slide #16

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