In late 1995 SRI licensed this
technology to Intuitive Surgical, Inc. of Mountain View, CA. Intuitive
Surgical furthered the work begun at SRI by improving on the precise control
of the surgical instruments, adding a new invention, EndoWristô, patented by
company cofounder Frederic Moll, which added two degrees of freedom to the SRI
deviceóinner pitch and inner yaw(Inner pitch is the motion a wrist performs to
knock on a door; inner yaw is the side-to-side movement used in wiping a table)óallowing
the system to better mimic a surgeon's actions; it gives the robot ability to
reach around, beyond and behind delicate body structures, delivering these angles
right at the surgical site. Through licenses of IBM patents, Intuitive also
improved the 3-D video imaging, navigation and registration of the video image
to the spatial frame in which the robot operates. The system employs 250
megaflops of parallel processing power.