"first lecture – archaeological and..."
Slide 2
Klaus Theweleit on the cultural imaginary of German fascism
the Freikorps after WW1
bodies in a machine age

building coherence
fighting fragmentation

establishing identity

in war and action

(reading Vol 2)
the eyes and posture
the speech
threats (to identity) –


the tide of history - fluidity

women and the masses
Slide 9
(reading Vol 1)
three kinds of women


the ‘white nurse’

‘red women’
Slide 12
Slide 13
marriage - to sisters of comrades (at home)
not just fascism …
Slide 16

recognizing the threat?
Slide 18
Slide 19
located bodies – two

the traveling body
Trobriand islanders and the Kula ring

Malinowski’s Argonauts of the Western Pacific
a symbolic or general economy of exchange
a system of cultural transactions through goods, travel, encounter, adventure
– the extended body (associates, ability, knowledge, goods)
cultural construction

and the contest for success and prestige
the Odyssey as a series of transactions, balances, negotiations defining society and the cultural milieu of the hero, as well as personal identity

through journey, encounter, nostos
Slide 25