Instructions: Choose one of the three topics below. Papers should be approximately 3 pages (about 750 words), double-spaced, and in a 12-point font. If you mention ideas from lecture or section, make sure to cite them, and don't rely too heavily on them for your argument. Papers are due at the beginning of lecture on Thursday, October 16.

1) Pick two subsidiary characters from The Magic Flute (you should consider the Three Ladies and the Three Boys as a single character) and, by closely analyzing the music, libretto, stage direction, etc., discuss how they illuminate each other.

2) Considering the prevalent dualisms (such as the metaphors of light and darkness) and polarized structure of The Magic Flute (as discussed by Professor Stephens), explore the connections between dualisms and the fact that there are three portals (not two) at the temple.

3) Pick one or two scenes from The Magic Flute and compare and contract the artistic presentation (staging, costumes, lighting, set design, etc.) in the San Francisco Opera production and Ingmar Bergman's film.