Language and Creativity I

I. Male and Female Speech
    A. Language and social hierarchy
    B. Is there male and female English?
             Difference and dominance
                 intensifiers; verbs; tag questions
                 interruption patterns
                 silence and speech
    C. "He/Man" English: the generic "he"

II. Changing Language
    A. gender neutral terms
    B. female language
             Rich; LeGuin; Rios, "Three Tongues"
    C. New Words:
            Woolf: "In an age when many qualities are changing their values, new words,
            to express new values, are much to be desired."
    D. Breaking silence in speech

III. Breaking silence in writing
    A. Women's Historical silence
            Tillie Olsen, Silences
    B. Feminist Accounts of women and creativity
            Nochlin, "Why Were There No (Few) Great Women Artists/Writers ....?"
                l. innate
                2. suppression          (Woolf, A Room of One's Own)
                3. Anon. was a woman and rediscovered texts
                4. female creativity
                     Walker, LeGuin, Rich, The Dream of a Common Language
                      Joy Harjo, "She had Some Horses"