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Design, Technology , and Engineering benefitting individuals with disabilities and older adults in the local community
January 13, 2021    
2 columns of images relating to assistive technology

Perspectives is the newsletter of the Stanford course,
Perspectives in Assistive Technology.

Project Pitch Day

This issue announces the next class session
and encourages your participation in the course's Assistive Technology Faire.

Perspectives in Assistive Technology is a Winter Quarter Stanford course - entering its fifteenth year - that explores the design, development, and use of assistive technology that benefits people with disabilities and older adults. It consists of semi-weekly online discussions; lectures by notable professionals, clinicians, and assistive technology users; virtual tours of local medical, clinical, and engineering facilities; student project presentations and demonstrations; and a Virtual Assistive Technology Faire.

Course News

Two clip-art students

Course Statistics - As of today, 53 students have enrolled in the course, 10 vendors plan to participate in the Virtual Assistive Technology Faire, and there many options for student projects including suggestions from six community members.

Next class session - Thursday, January 14th at 4:30pm PST via Zoom

Clip art of a "targeted" presentation

Project Pitch Day

Abstract: Candidate projects will be "pitched" by those who suggested them. Open time at the end of the presentations will enable students pursuing projects to connect with the project suggestors. More information can be found on the Project Pitch Day webpage.

  • Projects Suggested by the Community
    • Projects with Abby
    • Projects with Olenka at the Magical Bridge Playground
    • Project with Austin
    • Project with Danny and Stanford
    • Project with National Children's Hospital
    • Project with Tilly
  • Projects from previous years
  • Report on an advance in assistve technology
  • Report on applications of assistive technology
  • Report on a disability-related topic
  • Report on a local disability or aging organization
  • Pursue a "paper design" of an assistive technology device
  • Fabricate an "appearance model" of an assistive technology device
  • Create a work of art
  • Engage in an aftermarket aesthetic design
  • Engage in an aftermarket functionality / usability design
  • Projects suggested by Dave
  • Student-defined project

Zoom Attendance

Zoom logio

This class session will not be open to community attendance - This decision has been made subsequent to the loss of vocal quality during the first class session - mostly likely due to the large number of attendees. For this reason, I may have to restrict Zoom attendance to enrolled students. However, I will provide the link to the recorded videos to anyone who requests it.

Please note that each Zoom session url is different, so you can't use a previous url to connect to a future class session.

Assistive Technology Faire

clip art of a faire

You are invited to participate in the Virtual Assistive Technology Faire - This ninth annual course event is scheduled for Thursday, February 25th and will provide an opportunity for students and community members to get an up-close look at a variety of assistive technology devices and learn about available services. Users of assistive technology products as well as small companies and agencies serving individuals with disabilities and older adults are encouraged to join in on this virtual event. Please browse to the Call for Assistive Technology Faire Participants webpage for more information and contact me to register. Each vendor will have 5 to 10 minutes of unopposed Zoom time to display, demonstrate, and discuss their assistive technology products or services. Everyone is welcome to attend the Faire. Ten vendors have signed up to participate so far.

Here is the line up and slides from last year's Faire.


Email questions, comments, or suggestions - Please email me if you have general questions, comments, corncerns, or suggestions regarding the course. Thank you again for your interest.


5 rows of images of course presenters and community members

To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email Dave.