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Technology and design benefitting individuals with disabilities and seniors in the local community
April 6, 2012  
Welcome to this edition of  Perspectives,  the e-newsletter of the Stanford course, Perspectives in Assistive Technology.

What is the course? - Perspectives in Assistive Technology is a Winter Quarter course at Stanford that explores issues surrounding the design, development, and use of assistive technology benefitting people with disabilities and seniors. More information can be found on the course website.

End of Term

After all the guest lectures and final student project presentations, this year's season of Perspectives in Assistive Technology has officially come to an end.

You can listen to the audio of the students' final project presentations on the course's Final Project Presentation webpage.

If you are interested in getting more information about their projects, please let me know and I will put you in touch with them.

Looking forward to next year, I will once again be looking for another round of guest lecturers, project suggestions, and funding support. Your speaker topic suggestions, student project ideas, and funding support would be most welcome.

  1. Please provide your suggestions for assistive technology topics to include in next year's course. I have been thinking about ethical issues of disability, brain-computer interfaces, design of devices for children, autism and developmental disabilities, and exoskeletons.

  2. If you have ideas for student projects, please refer to the Project Solicitation webpage for their basic requirements and how to best describe your ideas.

  3. Funding support for student projects is always needed. Monetary gifts support approved project expenses, administrative costs, honoraria for guest lecturers, and the end-of-term celebration. Refer to the Team Project Support webpage for more information.

Even though the course will next be offered in January 2013, there is one assistive technology student project being pursued as independent study this quarter as well as several being undertaked as senior capstone projects, and possibly a few will be worked on over the summer.

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the course and thank you again for your participation.


Do you have a question or comment? - David L. Jaffe, MS, the course instructor, can be reached by email or at 650/892-4464.

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