![Atlas logo](atlas.jpg)
Technology Laboratory at Stanford |
Technology , and Engineering benefitting individuals with disabilities and
older adults in the local community |
August 23, 2019 |
Perspectives is the newsletter of the
Stanford course, Perspectives in Assistive
Project Suggestion Submission
Perspectives in Assistive Technology is a Winter
Quarter Stanford course - preparing for its fourteenth year - that
explores the design, development, and use of assistive technology that benefits
people with disabilities and older adults. It consists of semi-weekly classroom
discussions; lectures by notable professionals, clinicians, and
assistive technology users; tours of local medical, clinical, and
engineering facilities; student project presentations and demonstrations; an
Assistive Technology Faire; and a film screening. |
This course relies on community involvement, so please
suggest a project based upon an identified problem or challenge.
Project Suggestion
Submission Process
Briefly, what is
the process for considering and submitting project suggestions? -
First identify a specific challenge or problem experienced by a person with a
disability or older adult. Then perform an internet search to confirm that the
problem has not already been adequately addressed. Then carefully review the
project requirements to make
sure the idea complies with all the criteria. Finally submit a short email -
text format is ok - that identifies the user or population affected and briefly
describes the nature of the problem. Include desirable features of a solution,
but do not specify how the device should appear, be built, or solve the problem
- as those are tasks for the student team to consider. It is ok if the problem
affects just one individual.
What happens after
a project suggestion is submitted? - Submitted project suggestions
will be read, reviewed, and considered. Those that meet all the project
requirements and receive my approval will be accepted as candidate team
projects. A project Problem Statement describing the challenge will be
composed for posting on the course website and disseminated as a handout to
students on the first day of class. Refer to
this past year's team candidate project
list for examples of past Problem Statements.
What is the
deadline for submitting project suggestions? - Please email
suggestions to me as soon as possible so I have adequate time to consider all
submissions, edit approved entries, and post them - not later than Sunday,
December 1st. Feel free to contact me before the deadline to discuss your
ideas and suggestions.
What additional
information will be provided? - Future newsletter issues will
address the Project Requirements, the Problem Statement, and Benefits &
Expectations for project suggestors.
Microsoft Research Study on
Accessible Virtual Reality
"Microsoft Research is exploring how to improve the
accessibility of virtual reality systems for people who experience tremor,
muscle weakness, fatigue, limited mobility in their hands, arms or legs, people
with missing fingers or limbs, and people with conditions that impact motor
abilities such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons, or
"As part of this effort, we are conducting an interview
study with adults to learn about their thoughts on, and experiences with,
virtual reality systems. Prior experience with virtual reality is not required.
The study will be conducted for two weeks spanning August 26th to September
6th and will last approximately 90 minutes. Participants will receive a
$75 Amazon gift card for their participation. Interviews can be conducted over
Skype, Zoom, or another video conference platform. If you live in the Seattle,
Washington area, we can conduct the interview at our research lab in
Redmond. Up to $50 can be added to the gift card (if needed) to reimburse
for transportation expenses to get to our Redmond offices. Participation is
confidential; all data from our study will be anonymized. If there are any
questions, please contact the lead researcher,
Martez Mott."
Eligibility Criteria:
- You are 18 years of age or
- You currently reside in
the United States of America
- You experience motor
difficulties that affect your hands, arms, legs, or neck
Support the course -
Funding in any amount for the course and student projects is always welcomed.
Monetary gifts support approved project expenses, administrative costs,
honoraria for guest lecturers, and the end-of-term celebration. Refer to the
Course and Project Support
webpage for more information.
Email questions, comments, or
suggestions - Please email
me if you have general questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the
course. Thank you again for your interest.
![5 rows of images of course presenters and community members](2019-bottom.jpg)
To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email
Dave. |