
Technology Laboratory at Stanford |
and design benefitting individuals with disabilities and older adults in the
local community |
November 1, 2017 |
Perspectives is the newsletter of the
Stanford course, Perspectives in Assistive
Student Project Solicitations
& Upcoming Local Events
Perspectives in Assistive Technology is a Winter
Quarter Stanford course - now anticipating its twelfth year - that
explores the design, development, and use of assistive technology that benefits
people with disabilities and older adults. It consists of semi-weekly classroom
discussions; lectures by notable professionals, clinicians, and
assistive technology users; tours of local medical, clinical, and
engineering facilities; student project presentations and demonstrations; an
assistive technology faire; and a film screening. Organization of
the coming year's course is underway, with the first class session in
January. |
Student Enrollment - The class
capacity has been reached after just two days of enrollment! |
Would you like to attend one or
more course lectures? - Although official enrollment is required for
Stanford students to receive academic credit, all classroom lectures are open
to the greater Stanford community. You need not be a Stanford student to
attend, there is no signup required, and there is no charge. Here is the
lecture schedule. |
Ongoing request for additional
student project suggestions - Project suggestions are continuing to
be solicited. Refer to previous newsletter issues which described the
benefits of and process for submitting a student
project suggestion, addressed the broad
requirements of those projects, explained the suggestion format, and focused on the
specific activities that lead to a project
suggestion. Also see the Call for Team Projects
Suggestions webpage for more information.
You are strongly encouraged to submit project
suggestions for students to pursue. Please do this as soon as possible so I'll
have adequate time to consider all submissions, edit approved entries, and post
them. The deadline is Friday, December 1st. If your project is accepted,
you can "pitch" it to the class on Thursday,
January 11th. If a student team selects it, you will then have the
opportunity to offer them advice, direction, and expertise in person, by phone,
and/or by email.
At this time, I am also soliciting student project
suggestions related to automobiles or driving - real problems experienced by an
individual with a disability or an older adult in the local community that
affects their ability to drive or otherwise access transportation. Other
suggestions that broadly relate to walking or moving are also
Please email your problem description and important
features of what a solution should do - but not how to achieve them - that will
be addressed by the students.
This course relies on community involvement, so please suggest
a project based upon an identified problem or
challenge. |
Upcoming Local
Stanford Disability Awareness Week
Associated Students of Stanford
University (ASSU) presents Disability Awareness Week to celebrate
the diversity of disability initiatives across campus. The following events
will take place:
Abilities Hub, a new campus space initiative for the disability
community will have its grand opening on Thursday, November 2nd at
5:00pm on the first floor of the
Services Building.
Buddies +
Ice Cream will be hosted by Kids with Dreams on Saturday,
November 4th from 2:00 - 4:00pm in
the week, the Stanford Daily will
be featuring the Faces of Ability series, interviews with members of the
Stanford disability community.
Liu Lecture - Engineering Global Development - Amos G.
Winter, MIT
Amos G. Winter is the Ratan N.
Tata Career Development Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT.
His research focuses on machine and product design for developing and emerging
markets. Prof. Winter earned a BS from Tufts University (2003) and an MS (2005)
and PhD (2011) from MIT, all in mechanical engineering.
presentation will demonstrate how the Global
Engineering and Research (GEAR) Lab at MIT characterizes the unique
technical and socioeconomic constraints of emerging markets, then uses these
insights with engineering science and product design to create
high-performance, low-cost, globally-relevant technologies. The talk will focus
on three areas of GEAR Labs research: high-performance, low-cost
prosthetic feet; low-pressure, low-power drip irrigation; and solar-powered
When: |
Tuesday, November 7th at 4:30pm |
Admission: |
Everyone is welcome, free |
Support the course - Funding in
any amount for the course and student projects is always welcomed. Monetary
gifts support approved project expenses, administrative costs, honoraria for
guest lecturers, and the end-of-term celebration. Refer to the
Team Project Support webpage for more
Email questions, comments, or
suggestions - Please email
me if you have general questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the
course. Thank you again for your interest.

To unsubscribe from this newsletter, please email
Dave. |