
Technology Laboratory at Stanford |
and design benefitting individuals with disabilities and older adults in the
local community |
September 5, 2014 |
Perspectives is the newsletter of the Stanford
course, Perspectives in Assistive Technology.
Special Issue on Student Project
Perspectives in Assistive
Technology is a Winter Quarter Stanford course starting its ninth season in
early January that explores the design, development, and use of assistive
technology that benefits people with disabilities and older adults. It consists
of semi-weekly classroom discussions; lectures by notable
professionals, clinicians, and assistive technology users; tours of
local medical, clinical, and engineering facilities; and an assistive
technology faire.
do student projects fit into the course structure? - Projects are a
key course activity as they provide an excellent opportunity for students to
address problems faced by individuals with disabilities and older adults. In
doing so, students acquire or practice skills that they will use thoughout
their future professionals careers including working in teams, interacting with
the local community, solving problems, understanding the engineering design /
development process, employing course knowledge in a practical context,
practicing fabrication techniques, developing critical thinking skills, and
enhancing presentation and report writing abilities.
Please take this occasion to
suggest a project.
Where do suggestions for student projects come from?
- The process begins with a solicitation (that's the purpose of this newsletter
issue) to the local community (that's you!) to identify problems experienced by
an individual (friend or family member) with a disability or an older adult, or
those who interact with them including teachers, health care professionals, and
other family members or neighbors.
are the benefits of suggesting a student project? - Project
suggestors have the opportunity to get involved in the course beyond attending
lectures, work with a team of bright Stanford students, participate in the
training of new engineers and designers, and influence the design and
development of a prototype device that addresses a specific disability or aging
are the considerations for a student project suggestion? - The
student project suggestion must meet the following broad
Deliverable: A
project suggestion must involve the design and fabrication of a device (or
development of software) to address a problem experienced by older adults,
individuals with a disability, or those who care for them.
Creativity: In
pursuit of their projects, student teams are required to fully understand the
problem, identify the need, brainstorm concepts, choose a design (or designs),
and fabricate, test, and report on their creative solution.
Student teams' designs should not be a copy of an existing commercial product
or a physical representation of another's design concept.
Feasibility: The
project's aim and specifications should be realistic. Project solutions that
can only be achieved by violating the laws of physics or that presume the
existence of an anti-gravity machine are examples of infeasible project
Suitability: A
project suggestion involving advertising, engaging in market or data analysis,
performing surveys, creating websites, compiling databases, or pursuing
long-term studies is not suitable as team project.
Overlap: A project
suggestion must focus on real needs that are inadequately addressed by
commercial products and could include diagnostic and rehabilitation therapy
equipment as well as personal devices. A project solution that assists family
members or health care professionals in caring for individuals with
disabilities and older adults is also welcome.
Scale and
Complexity: A project solution must be of appropriate scale and complexity
to be completed (design, fabrication, and testing of a prototype) in one
academic quarter (8 weeks).
Size: A project
solution must be of an appropriate physical scale - the prototype should fit on
a desktop. There is insufficient space on campus to work on cars or other large
Work location: A
majority of the project fabrication effort should occur on campus rather than
in the residence of the older adult or person with a
Expertise: A
project suggestion must be compatible with the skill level and expertise of
students in the course. They typically have mechanical engineering backgrounds,
although some may have product design, electrical engineering, computer
hardware, or software experience.
Cost: Estimated
parts and fabrication costs must be modest, no more than a few hundred
Proprietary: The
project solution must not require access to or modification of proprietary
software, such as adding functions to a cellphone.
Participation: An
older adult, a person with a disability, a family member of a person with a
disability, or a health care professional should be available to work with the
student project team to further illustrate the problem, offer advice during the
quarter, and test the prototypes.
Risk: The project
solution must not pose a risk of harm to the user or student team. The device
must also be minimally invasive.
Damage or
Modification: Project work must not damage or alter any Stanford or private
property. Examples of prohibited activities include drilling into walls or
rewiring the installed infrastructure.
Duplication: The
project suggestion should not be a duplication of a candidate project already
described in the current candidate project
Support: A
candidate project supported by a monetary gift to the course will be given
preference. See Call for Project
should a student project suggestion be described?- Compose (text
format is ok) and email the project suggestion for review. Note that both the
problem and features of a solution should be highlighted, but not how a device
should appear, be built, or solve the problem - those are tasks for the student
team. To best convey a project suggestion, use the current candidate project list as a guide and
format the project description into these short paragraphs:
Name: - suggest a
simple, short , descriptive phrase to refer to the project
Background: -
overview the suggestor's organization and / or give a general description of
the population addressed by the project suggestion
Problem: -
briefly and concisely describe the problem, including the people who experience
it (The
Everyday Usefulness of the Problem Statement by Alan Nicol is a
well-written reference article.)
Aim: - describe
what the proposed solution should do, but not how it should do
Design Criteria: -
list the desirable operational features and characteristics of the proposed
Other: - include
additional information that will illuminate the problem and facilitate a
solution, such as photographs, short videos, a list available resources,
weblinks, and general design suggestions
Information: - provide suggestor's name, company (if applicable), email
address, and phone number (optional).
happens to submitted project suggestions? - Once the emailed project
suggestion is received, it will be read, reviewed, and considered. Approved
project suggestions will be accepted as candidate student projects and will be
posted on the course website as well as disseminated to students as a handout
on the first day of class. Project suggestors
will have the opportunity to "pitch" their candidate project on the
second day of class. (Here is
information on the "pitch" process.) If a student
team chooses to work on the candidate project, its suggestor will provide
advice, direction, and expertise in person, or by phone, and/or email during
the quarter and will be invited to the Student
Team Project Final Presentations and Project
is the deadline for submission of project suggestions? - Please
submit project suggestions to me as soon as possible so I have time to consider
all submissions, edit approved entries, and post them - not later than
December 1st.
can the community help support the course and student projects? -
Funding in any amount for the course and student projects is always welcome.
Monetary gifts support approved project expenses, administrative costs,
honoraria for guest lecturers, and the end-of-term celebration. Refer to the
Course and Project Support webpage for more
should be contacted to answer questions or to provide additional
information? - Please feel free to contact me anytime during the
project suggestion process.

you have a question or comment? - If you have general questions,
comments, or suggestions about the course, David L. Jaffe, MS, the
instructor, can be reached by email
or at 650/892-4464. Thank you again for your interest.
To unsubscribe from this
newsletter, please email Dave. |