Winter Quarter 2024

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PST

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Pre-Enrollment Form

Thank you so much for your desire to enroll in ENGR110/210, Perspectives in Assistive Technology.

Please carefully read and fill out this form to get basic information about the course so that you can make an informed enrollment decision. I will review the completed and submitted form and either contact you for more information or provide you with a permission number which will enable you to enroll on Axess, starting on Wednesday, November 29th.

--- About You

Email address
Academic Year
Department / Program
Symbolic Systems
Project Courses - Identify all the project courses you are taking this Winter quarter

--- About the Course

Axess Course Description for 2024 - Seminar and student project course. Explores the medical, social, ethical, and technical challenges surrounding the design, development, and use of technologies that improve the lives of people with disabilities and older adults. Guest lecturers include engineers, designers, researchers, entrepreneurs, clinicians, and assistive technology users. Special activities include field trips to local facilities, an assistive technology faire, and a film screening. Students from any discipline are welcome to enroll. Three credit units for students (juniors, seniors, and graduate students preferred) who pursue a team-based assistive technology project with a community partner - enrollment is limited to 27. One credit unit for seminar attendance only (CR/NC) or individual project (letter grade). Projects can be continued as independent study in Spring Quarter. See course website. Designated a Cardinal Course by the Haas Center for Public Service.
Overview - ENGR110/210 class sessions consist of semi-weekly guest lectures from engineers, designers, researchers, entrepreneurs, clinicians, and assistive technology users on a variety of interesting topics. Beyond these lectures, students can choose to engage in a team project (3 credit units) experience that includes project selection, understanding the problem, and designing, fabricating, testing, and refining a functional prototype. These students interact with users of assistive technology, design coaches, and project partners. Other students can choose to pursue individual projects (1 credit unit) that may not require fabrication skills or experience, including developing a CAD design or to writing a comprehensive report on an assistive technology product or organization that works with a person with a disability or an older adult. Finally, there is a lecture-only option (1 credit unit CR/NC) for students whose schedule does not permit working on a project.
ENGR210 vs ENGR110 - Please note that if are a graduate student or need to take the course as an upper-level or upper-division course, please enroll in ENGR210. Other than the course number, ENGR210 is identical to ENGR110.
Approved Elective - Please note that only the 3 credit unit course option is an approved elective in several disciplines.
Course Website - If you have not already done so already, please check out the course website. There you will find: the course syllabus, the lecture schedule, information about student team projects (3 credit units), information on individual projects (1 credit unit), student comments from last academic year.
Laptop Policy - Out of respect for the guest lecturers, the use of laptops, smartphones, and earbuds & headphones in the classroom is only permitted before class, during the Social Media Break, and after class. Students may use a tablet with a stylus to take notes. The Learning Hub's Tech Desk on the first floor of Lathrop Library allows students to checkout iPads at no cost. Please do not work on homework from other courses in the class session.
Course Classroom and Start Time - Class sessions will be held in Lathrop Library, Room 282 starting promptly at 4:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Classroom location and accessibility information can be found here.
Required Attendance - Students taking the course for 3 credit units are required to attend all class sessions, while those taking the course for 1 credit unit are required to attend at least 15 class sessions. Accommodations to make up missed class sessions will be provided.
First Class Session - Attendance is required to the first class session on Tuesday, January 9th at 4:30pm PST. I will be presenting an overview of the course and a brief introduction to Assistive Technology including a definition of terms, demographics, goals of rehabilitation, perceptions of disability, the challenges of people experiencing disabilities, political correctness, numerous examples of assistive technology devices, and prior student projects
Project Time Commitment - Please note that students are expected to work on their projects outside of class time. Past teams have reported that they have spent on average of 5 hours per week on their team projects. Project activities include: meeting with the project partner; designing, fabricating, and testing prototypes; meeting with instructor; preparing for mid-term and end-of-term project presentations; writing mid-term and end-of-term reports; composing an Individual Reflection; and responding to instructor's emails. There are no exams, quizzes, finals, or problem sets.
Shop Skills and Fabrication Experience - Involvement in a team project will most likely require fabrication of a prototype device. It would be good if all team members have some shop skills such as those introduced in ME103.
Shop Pass - Students working on team projects use the Product Realization Lab (PRL) facilities to fabricate their prototype devices. There is no fee for its use.
Special Accommodation - Please let me know if you require a special accommodation.

--- Your Decisons

Select Course Number
ENGR110 - Undergraduate students
ENGR210 - Graduate Students and those wishing to enroll as an upper-level or upper-division course.
Select Enrollment Option - Indicate your enrollment option:
Team project (3 credit units)
Individual project (1 credit unit with a letter grade)
Lectures only (1 credit unit CR/NC)
Wait List - In the event the enrollment limit for the team project (3 credit units) option is reached, you will be asked if you would like to be placed on a Wait List.
Questions - I am curious how you found out about the course, why you decided to enroll, your fabrication skills/experience, your personal expectations for the course, and anything about yourself that you would like to share.
Concerns - Please express any concerns or questions about the course here and do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Conclusions - I would also be pleased to meet with you before the start of the Winter Quarter. I am looking forward to seeing you in class.

Dave Jaffe
Course Instructor

Updated 10/23/2023

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