Winter Quarter 2024

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PST

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Engineering Design Process Activities

These listed student team project activities are mostly pursued chronologically

  1. Read team project descriptions and browse listed links
  2. Listen to project pitches by the community project partners
  3. Fill out on-line form to indicate your project experience and interests
  4. Review project spreadsheet and student biosketches on course website
  5. Magically select a project and form a team of three
  6. Report your project selection and team membership to instructor
  7. Arrange to interview community project partner as a team
  8. Observe community project partner's challenge / struggle / problem
  9. Research and review existing commercial products that address the challenge
  10. Understand why these products don't solve the problem
  11. Brainstorm lots of possible solutions
  12. Use Pugh Chart to identify the top project prospects
  13. Employ low cost material to quickly fabricate a first prototype
  14. Review brainstomed ideas and first prototype with community project partner
  15. Get feedback and suggestions from community project partner
  16. Engage with PRL Course Assistants to suggest materials and mechanisms
  17. Fabricate an increasing refined set of prototypes for user evaluation
  18. Document team efforts with photos and short videos
  19. Prepare for mid-term presentation & report
  20. Prepare for end-of-term presentation & report
  21. Prepare for project demonstration

Updated 07/29/2024

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