Winter Quarter 2023

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PT

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Tuesday, February 21st

photo of Jenny Kiratliphoto of Jeff Jaramillo

Assistive Technology for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
B. Jenny Kiratli, PhD & Jeffrey P. Jaramillo, DPT
Director of Clinical Research, SCI Center at VA Palo Alto Health Care System
Physical Therapist, SCI Center at VA Palo Alto Health Care System

Abstract: This session will provide an overview of the adaptive technology available for Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury & Disorders (SCI/D) at the VA Palo Alto Health Care System. This will include examples from both clinical care and clinical research.

Biosketch: B. Jenny Kiratli, PhD is the Director of Clinical Research in the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Center, VA Palo Alto Health System. She has over 30 years’ experience conducting research with individuals with SCI. Her funded research has included projects on bone and body composition; exercise, physical activity, and cardiovascular risk; upper extremity function; and nutrition. Currently, she is PI on a project to establish evidence for a knee reference bone mineral density measurement to predict bone health after SCI, Co-PI on project to evaluate utility and outcomes of a novel mobile manual standing wheelchair, and PI on two new projects to explore access to VA services and mental health issues of persons who identify as sexual and gender minorities and live with SCI/D. She served on the Stanford Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the protection of human subjects in research for 8 years (1999-2007) and has served since then on the VA Central IRB with oversight of multi-center projects across the VA system.

Biosketch: Jeffrey P Jaramillo, DPT is currently a Research Health Science Specialist in the Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) Center, VA Palo Alto Health Care System (VAPAHCS). Jeff has 30 years of experience as a Physical Therapist. He is the laboratory manager of SCI Exercise Physiology Laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Beatrice Jenny Kiratli, PhD. He has been involved in a research capacity for over 15 years at the VA Palo Alto spanning projects including studies of; Upper extremity functional changes in patients with stroke performing hybrid resisted strength training protocols and robotic gait training for persons with paraplegia and stroke, use of interactive video gaming for upper extremity motor performance, upper extremity tendon transfers, upper limb EMG decomposition, exoskeleton training, use of novel wheelchair technology, and qualitative studies for persons with SCI.

Contact information:
jenny.kiratli -at-
jeffrey.jaramillo -at-
Lecture Material:
Pre-lecture slides - 1.49 Mb pdf file
Slides - 2.67 Mb pdf file
Quadtools reacher demo (video 9:19)
Palo Alto VA Medical Center
Spinal Cord Injuries and Disorders System of Care
Adaptive Sports Medicine Program blog

Updated 02/22/2023

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