Winter Quarter 2023

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PT

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Comments about the Course - 2023 End-of-Term Evaluation Form



Comments about the Classroom

I really liked the number of screens that helped me see the powerpoint from every direction. the size and seating was great. the time slot was great, no other classes conflicted with it.

The class location was great, I really enjoyed the access to multiple screens throughout the room. The space was great for the class size and the acoustics were great.

Classroom provides ample room for students and other visitors, there is a decent view of the speaker at all locations and view of the slides / presentation.

I enjoyed having access to the space after class to meet with my teammate[s] easily.


Comments about the Course Website

Yes I found it very useful to recap what happened that week an action items for next week.

Yes, I was able to stay up to date with course activities and scheduling, and I had an overview of the next week and what to expect.

Yes, the material shared was very timely and informative.


Comments about the Team Project Workload

I think the workload and units were appropriate.

I think it was appropriate 3 unit class.

Project workload was very appropriate and deserving of the 3 credit units.

I believe 3 units is an appropriate for the workload of the course.

I felt that this was an appropriate amount of work for a 3 credit unit course.


Comments about the Pace of the Course and Assignments


I thought the pacing was adequate



Good pace, good spacing for checkpoints


Comments about the Number of Lectures (12), Field Trips (1), Assistive Technology Faire (1), Film Screening (1), and Variety of Lecture Topics.

I enjoyed the balance of course activities.

Assistive Technology Faire was great. Lecture number good as well.

Reasonable number of events.

Great to hear from the variety of guest lecturers.

Thought it was good!

Enjoyed the [Assistive Technology] Faire! Number of lectures were good.

Enjoyed all.

[Assistive Technology] Faire was super cool, film screening was rather unique, and lectures were great! it was fascinating to learn about people's stories every week!

I really enjoyed the field trip to Magical Bridge Playground and the Assistive Technology Faire. The cochlear implant [class session] was one of my favorites because it was interactive.

I really loved the variety of topics and modes of learning.

I think the speakers cover an excellent range of topics/fields, the Assistive Technology Faire was great to see assistive technology in action firsthand.

I think the number of lectures and other activities was good. Maybe even another field trip would be interesting. But the film screening and the Assistive Technology Faire were a good break from regular guest lectureres.

I enjoyed the number of lectures and the variety of topics they covered. The field trip and Assistive Technology Faire were definitely highlights of the quarters and I greatly enjoyed.


Replies to: "What aspects of the course did you particularly like or dislike? How could the course be further enhanced for next year?"

I loved the guest lectures.

The project is so so good!!!

I really liked the interactive lectures and parts of the course .

I enjoyed all the different lectures that exposed me to new information on a weekly basis.

I truly appreciated the diversity of speakers.

I liked the diversity of speakers and their topics, I also liked the pacing of the course, checkpoints were reasonably spaced, allowing ample time for research and development.

I really liked having time to talk to guest lecturers after the presentations. Some really interesting people presented their work, and it was rewarding to follow up with the speakers, meet up outside the class, and learn from them there too.

I liked the speakers and really enjoyed the team project component.


Replies to: "(Students who worked on projects only) Please provide an overall objective assessment of your course and project performance and efforts on these activities: relationship with your community partner (number and quality of meetings), efforts to understand the problem, number and quality of prototypes, functionality of final prototype, contribution to fabrication and testing activities, contribution to mid-term and end-of-term reports, contribution to mid-term and end-of-term presentations, and other considerations."

I had a blast! My community partner was super cool and nice and so helpful and taught us a lot. My group was great and so nice and we all have different areas so learned a lot there.

I really enjoyed my team and experience with making the prototype. My experience in the course was great and I learned a lot. Really enjoyed the wide variety of guest speakers.

Working with Stanford and Danny was a genuinely incredible experience. It was such a rewarding experience both personally and for Danny too, of course. I think the process of designing for others, especially someone with a disability, was quite a difficult challenge, that was very rewarding.

My group developed a great relationship with our community partner because Stanford and Danny are incredibly friendly people who are flexible, met when needed and stayed longer for us when needed. The quality of our prototypes definitely improved as time went on through the quarter. Meeting with Dave throughout the quarter was difficult at times because no new progress was made from the last check-in.

I did have a good experience making the prototypes and going through the design process. We had many prototypes and the quality was good based on our experience. Our reports and presentations were detailed and shows the amount of effort put into the project.

My team was great and the communication was so clear throughout the process. Danny, our community partner, was always so fun to work with and he gave us great ideas on how to help him throughout the process. I believe our team put a good effort forward in thinking about ways to produce a clean and simple prototype that would be useful for Danny. The mid-term and end-of-term reports were low stress since our team was very proactive and great and dividing the work load. I also found those assignments useful for recapping the experience.

Overall I believe I am satisfied with our team's performance and the prototype we developed. There are still some aspects of functionality to sort out but I suppose that is part of the prototyping / development process. Although I did not get my first choice project, I was really happy with the project I did and had a great relationship with our community partner.

My team met with our community partner 3 times and were able to get very thoughtful and considerate feedback from her. We also looped her into our weekly updates to make sure she was informed of the direction we were heading in throughout the process and allowed us to get more feedback from her. I was really happy with how our project turned out because it was abled to reach a high level of fidelity in both form and function. We created several prototypes at different levels of fidelity across the project. My background is in making and product realization so I was able to focus on that component of the project while other worked on the electronics and code. My team worked really well together and were able to split tasks pretty evenly in the fabrication, testing, presentation, and report writing.

I think we as a team performed well and had good teamwork where everyone got to contribute.


Comments on Guest Lecture Presentations

Enjoyed all

The field trip, Designing Beyond the Norm to Meet the Needs of All People, and Assistive Technology Faire were my favorite classes.

04b [From DIY to Disability Dongles: Spanning Accessibility Space from Indispensable to Irrelevant - Josh Miele] and 06b [Field Trip to the Magical Bridge Playground] left the greatest impressions for me.

I really liked 09b [Wheelchair Fabrication in Developing Countries - Ralf Hotchkiss], it was my favorite!

08a [Assistive Technology Faire] and 03a [Perspectives of Stanford Students and Faculty with a Disability] were my favourites and the most interesting.

Loved Hotchkiss. Really impactful to hear from people making large scale change.

Favorite by far was 09b [Wheelchair Fabrication in Developing Countries - Ralf Hotchkiss]] and 04a [Bionic Ears: Cochlear Implants and the Future of Assistive Technology - Lindsey D. Felt, PhD] was great.

I think all classes had their own strengths and interest points. It was great to see such diversity in speakers, speaker topics, and project suggesters.

Project Pitches - Assistive Technology Project Suggestors - really helpful for gaging what projects I was really interested beyond the website description.

Bionic Ears: Cochlear Implants and the Future of Assistive Technology - Lindsey Dolch Felt, PhD - I know a few people with cochlear impants and I found it really helpful to have a personal perspective.

Assistive Robotics - Monroe Kennedy III, PhD - super cool topic that I had never investigated before.

It was very exciting and interesting to see all the vendors in the Assistive Technology Faire and how people are being so creative and caring.

All were awesome!

As a 1-unit class participant, the lecture on perspectives of Stanford students (03a) was most interesting, and I was able to understand the challenges of those with disabilities in our own community. The lecture by Peter Axelson (07b) was also extremely fascinating and had a lot of interesting content on serial innovating and how to bring an idea into the accessible markets.

The [Assistive] Technology Faire was one of my favorite parts of the course because I was able to see close up how a variety of products functioned rather than just demo videos and pictures. I really appreciated the variety of guest speakers and spaces that they specialized in. Then field trip was also amazing because it let me see the joy that designing inclusive can produce in real time. I really enjoyed Dr. Felt's lecture, since she was a past professor of mine, it was really exciting seeing her speak and learn even more from her. The panel of students and faculty was also really eye opening to issues of accessibility on campus and in student life in general.

I really liked 08a, 02b and 06b [Assistive Technology Faire, Bridging the Gap between Consumers and Products in Rehabilitation Medicine, and Field Trip to the Magical Bridge Playground]


Replies to: "Please comment on the contribution of your team members to the project."

I thought I had a great team and we achieved a lot together.

My team members were very communicative be contributed a lot to the project.

My team members were great and contributed their parts.

So good! Felt fairly even to our skills.

Everyone did great!

All members contributed equally! It was great teamwork!


All of my team members contributed significantly and were very easy to work with.

All of my team members were amazing to work with and greatly contributed to the success of the project.

Even contribution across team members.


Replies to: "If you took another project course this quarter (such as ME210), please comment on your workload and ability to contribute as a team member in both course projects and provide advice to future students who wish to enroll in this and another project course."

I took 3 other project courses and I didn't feel too overwhelmed.

The ability to self pace in this class was hugely important in my ability to balance all my class projects equally.

I luckily had great teams throughout my classes so I had great flexibility. Personally, I will always give 110% to my groups as I chose to participate in these classes, and I am pleased with my contribution to this team.

I was able to contribute effectively but I am a graduate student and was only taking two classes with research.

I took ME 216B (PD Capstone) which was group project based this quarter. I was able to manage the workload well and still contribute significantly to both projects. Scheduling was definitely harder since we were all so busy, so I would recommend scheduling meeting as far out as possible especially when meeting with our community partner. I would also try to use the time right after or before class to meet / discuss things as a group even for just a quick check in because it helps keep everyone on the same page.

I had a lighter project course, so it was very doable.

Quality and variety of suggested projects:.

I liked the range of projects offered.

Great! Very broad choices for the project with various needs of skillsets.


Replies to: "Provide additional instructor-related comments."

Dave, you’re fantastic!

Incredible instructor who genuinely cares about his students, their learning, and creating a safe environment. It was genuinely a fantastic experience!

Loved the class Dave :)


Replies to: "Please share any additional comments, suggestions, and observations about the course, its content, and your experiences."

Thank you for introducing me to a new world of people from an engineering standpoint and from a community of various disabilities.

The course made me very excited about engineering and I pursuing a minor in mechanical engineering.

Thank you for this experience :)


Updated 04/27/2023

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