Winter Quarter 2021

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Online via Zoom
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:50pm PT

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Information and Instructions for Guest Lecturers

Guest Lecturers,

Thank you once again for your willingness to participate in the Stanford Course: Perspectives in Assistive Technology.

Presentation topic: We most probably have spoken about your guest lecture topic and how best to present it. Suitable topics can be anything that relates to disability, rehabilitation, assistive technology, or design techniques for which you have both expertise and passion. You should plan for about 45 minutes presentation including questions. Please consider bringing items to show, pass around, and demonstrate as this adds interest to your talk.

Information needed: If you haven't done so already, please provide me with the following information for the class website and announcements:

  • Title of your talk
  • One paragraph description of your talk
  • One paragraph biosketch
  • Contact information that you would like to give out
  • A digital photograph (head shot)

Class location: The class will be held online via Zoom.

Time schedule: All times are approximate

Time Activity
4:00 Zoom session opens
4:00 Time for meeting with instructor via Zoom session
4;30 Class start time, students sign online attendance sheet
4:35 Late students continue to arrive
4:40 All students and invited community members online
4:40 Interactive session consisting of course administrative items and topical pre-lecture begins
4:55 Social Media & Bio Break
5:00 Guest lecturer introduction and presentation
5:45 Question & Answer time
5:50 Class dismissed
5:50 Time for meeting with instructor via Zoom session
6:30 Zoom session closed

Class timing:

  • Please plan to log into the Zoom class session by 4:15pm.

  • Class begins promptly at 4:30pm.

  • The class session ends at approximately 5:50pm.

  • Unless otherwise arranged, the class will start with a short interactive session that I will present. After a short break, I will introduce you.

  • You will have about 45 minutes for your presentation.

  • Finish your presentation by 5:45pm to allow for a minimum of 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

  • Please plan to stick around after the end of class for additional questions and to interact with students who approach you at the front of the classroom.

PowerPoint presentation:

  • Please use standard fonts and simple backgrounds.

  • If you plan to show devices during your presentation, please include a photo of each in your PowerPoint slide deck.

  • If you have videos, post them to YouTube and provide the url link in a slide.

  • Email me your PowerPoint presentation by 5pm on the day before you are scheduled to talk so I can load it on my laptop. (Having your presentation pre-loaded on my laptop assures that the slides will display properly and makes them available before class to students with visual impairments.)

    If you wish to use something other than PowerPoint, please provide an equivalent pdf version of your presentation for posting on the course website.


  • The audience will Stanford engineering students (mostly mechanical engineering) and individuals from the greater Stanford community (perhaps as many as 60 people total).
  • There may be several students who arrive late or have to leave early due to other class committments.

Student interest:

  • Learning about rehabilitation and assistive technology,
  • Obtaining information that can help them successfully pursue their assistive technology student team project for this class, and
  • Understanding how their Stanford education in engineering can be used to benefit people with disabilities and older adults.

  • Please do not overwhelm the students with technical details. One message to communicate is they can successfully and confidently pursue their assistive technology project.

Handout material: Please provide me with a soft copy of any handout material the day before before your presentation if you would like me to make copies of them for the class.

Presentation content suggestions: Please consider including the following items (if appropriate) in your presentation:

  • Introduce yourself, briefly provide some career-oriented context: your educational and employment backgrounds
  • Who do you work for presently?
  • What are you doing now?
  • What kinds of projects are you working on?
  • With whom do you work - professional colleagues in what fields?
  • What tools and design processes do you use to succeed in your job?
  • How are you funded?
  • What are some unmet challenges in your specific field of work?
  • What is your perspective on your work and your professional field as it relates to assistive technology and rehabilitation?
  • How does your work benefit people with disabilities or the fields of assistive technology and rehabilitation?
  • Explain the relevance and importance of your work or lecture topic to both assistive technology and mechanical engineering.
  • Provide at least one good example of your work (hopefully it will include some mechanical engineering components).
  • Include comments on how you address ethical issues such as safety and privacy and how you interact with people with disabilities.
  • Engage the audience with questions throughout your presentation such as:
    • What do you think of when ... ?
    • How would you solve this problem ... ?
  • Bring items to display, demonstrate, and pass around.
  • Please keep your presentation short and concise to allow for questions and discussion during the last 10 minutes of the class.

Lecture material posted on the course website:

The following material will be posted on the course website. This serves the review needs of students who were not able to attend the lecture and provides information to community members who are outside the local area.

  • Contact information - information for students to contact you
  • Lecture video - recorded from the entire class session
  • Slides - a pdf version of your slide set (You can request removal of specific slides that you don't want published on the website.)
  • Handouts - pdf versions of any class handouts
  • Photos - images of the guest lecturer and any devices brought to class
  • Links - urls from your slides and other related weblinks

Guest Lecturer Evaluation

Everyone attending the class session - both students and individuals from the community - will be asked to fill out an online evaluation form. Its purpose is to help the teaching team assess the class session. A summary of all reponses will be sent to you. The evaluation items are:

Speaker issues:
  • speaking volume, understandability, ease of following concepts and arguments, clarity of explanations
  • quality of PowerPoint slides, use of supporting media (videos) and presentation aids (Show&Tell items)
  • stage presence, knowledge of topic, preparedness
  • presentation structure, organization, pace and management of allotted time
  • opportunity for questioning and class engagement
  • provided good answers, examples, and demonstrations

Content issues:
  • topic interest
  • relevance to the broad scope of assistive technology
  • presentation of new information
  • level of detail and technical content
  • overall value of content

Please answer the following questions and provide additional comments, especially if you found the class session to be either outstanding or in need of improvement:

What are your thoughts and observation about the entire class session?
What concepts did you especially like or wish were covered in more detail?

Class website:

Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you again,

Dave Jaffe
650/892-4464 cell

Updated 09/30/2020

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