Winter Quarter 2018

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Thornton Center Classroom 110
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30pm to 5:50pm

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Tuesday, March 6th

photo of Bob with mountain background

Film Screening - 4 Wheel Bob
Tal Skloot & Bob Coomber
Director / Producer - Adventurer

This movie screening will be held in the atrium of the Peterson Building (Building 550). Community members are welcome to attend. Please RSVP to Dave if you plan to attend, to insure an adequate number of chairs and supply of popcorn.

Abstract: Bob Coomber, an intrepid adventurer, sets out to be the first wheelchair hiker to cross the 11,845-foot Kearsarge Pass in the Sierra Nevada. This story of overcoming immense obstacles will inspire us to look at our own self-imposed limitations and perhaps reach beyond what we think is possible.

Kearsarge Pass is a classic high approach into the Eastern Sierra, ten miles north of Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the lower forty-eight states. The famously steep and prolonged trail to the pass unfolds with Kings Canyon National Park providing the dramatic backdrop. For Bob in his wheelchair, this adventure is fraught with danger. He must deal continually with altitude sickness and the threat of diabetic coma, not to mention possible fatal or crippling falls in the steep terrain. The path is often blocked with shattered granite, and Bob must turn his wheelchair backward in order to push uphill using only his arms. Going downhill has its own hazards; the trail is narrow, and his wheels often skid on the loose rock. We gain an intimate, foot-by-foot familiarity with Bob’s herculean effort and with some of the most perilous sections of the famous trail.

Away from the Sierra, Bob is an advocate for the disabled in his beloved Northern California. He takes groups from the wheelchair-bound community as well as war veterans on local hikes, teaching about ecology, animal and plant life, and ways to navigate in the wilderness.

Contact Information:
Tal Skloot - Director / Producer
skloots - at-
Lecture Material:
Photos - 292 Kb pdf file
UNAFF webpage
Trailer (2:03)
Hiking Adventures with Bob '4WheelBob' Coomber
'4 Wheel Bob' blazes a trail
Bob Coomber Wants to Cross the Sierra in a Wheelchair

Updated 03/07/2018

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