Winter Quarter 2016

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 4:30pm - 5:50pm
Classroom 110 in Thornton Center

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Venture Opportunities

NCIIA - Venture Well

Seed investment for emerging student entrepreneurs from the NCIIA's new Venture Well program!

Venture Well is a new program of the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA).

Venture Well will provide venture development and seed investment to select university student entrepreneurs. The focus of Venture Well is on ventures that are creating scalable, market-oriented solutions to health and environmental problems.

Venture Well has two components:

  1. First, on March 21, 2009, we'll bring together ten student venture teams in the inaugural Venture Well Forum, in Washington, DC (at the end of the NCIIA annual conference). Venture Well teams will be connected with advisors and investors at the event, and will also participate in our Advanced Invention to Venture program and other advisory services intended to help move them up the development curve.

    Please encourage your students to visit the Venture Well website and apply online to be considered as part of the 2009 Venture Well cohort. Deadline for applications is December 19, 2008.

  2. Second, all selected teams will be eligible for equity investment by NCIIA. In addition to our existing grants program, NCIIA will now be making select seed investments in eligible companies. These investments will be made through the 2009 year, on a case-by-case basis.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Joseph Steig
Venture Development Manager
jsteig -at-

PS: If you would like to attend the Venture Well Forum yourself on March 21st (immediately following the NCIIA conference, and in the same location), send me an e-mail and I'll get you an invitation-we have limited space for this event.


Updated 09/18/2015

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