- Sign in for the last time and pick
up a Course Evaluation Form
- My Course Evaluation:
- provides me with better info than
the registrar's
- email your grades the same day I
submit them
- Final Report and Individual
Reflection extension:
- request an extension
- Make up missed lectures -
- Project reimbursements: after you
turn in your Final Report and Individual Reflection
- no deadline
- follow emailed
- submit documentation after you turn
in your Final Report and Individual Reflection
- Thanks for enrolling in the
- Final Presentations:
- awesome!
- appreciate the time and effort you
put into your projects and the interest you had in assistive
- Thank you:
- students - without you there would
be no course
- community members
- guest lecturers
- carpool drivers
- project suggestors
- camera operators
- Students who took the course for 1
unit & attended more than 10 lectures: (not counting today)
- Michael
- Isabel
- Elise
- Claire
- Alexis
- Ryan
- Matt
- Jonathan
- Amanda
- The course had a deeper goal than
learning about assistive technology. I hope you have had a chance to develop,
improve, and practice professional skills:
- working in a team
- working in the community
- addressing a problem
- exercising critical
- fabricating, testing, and evaluating
- writing reports
- presenting your project
- Most memorable
- Magical Bridge
- Gait Lab
- VA
- Ekso Bionics
- Assistive Technology
- Film screenings - (DVD player
- Project efforts
- Presenters:
- student panel
- Peter Axelson
- Ralf Hotchkiss
- Cookies - how many cookies have we
been thru? 915!
- Meetings with students and teams
> 70
- Announcements about
- Alina - Roland Fellowship - continue
working on Designing Your Afterlife project
- Nina - pursuing independent study to
outline a curriculum that covers design, basic engineering principles, and
concepts in assistive technology for a service-learning after-school program
for high school students
- Opportunities
- Design competitions - especially
- SURI this summer
- Project demonstrations:
- Find a space to set up your
- check out what other teams have
- have a burrito
- drink procurement and delivery
courtesy of the Design Group Happy Hour
- Was this the best assistive
technology course you have ever taken?
- Good luck on wherever life takes
you, please keep in touch
- Thank you for the privilege of
presenting this material to you.