Winter Quarter 2016

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 4:30pm - 5:50pm
Classroom 110 in Thornton Center

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Final Remarks

Sign in for the last time and pick up a Course Evaluation Form
My Course Evaluation:
provides me with better info than the registrar's
email your grades the same day I submit them
Final Report and Individual Reflection extension:
request an extension
Make up missed lectures -
Project reimbursements: after you turn in your Final Report and Individual Reflection
no deadline
follow emailed instructions
submit documentation after you turn in your Final Report and Individual Reflection

Thanks for enrolling in the course
Final Presentations:
appreciate the time and effort you put into your projects and the interest you had in assistive technology
Thank you:
students - without you there would be no course
community members
guest lecturers
carpool drivers
project suggestors
camera operators
Students who took the course for 1 unit & attended more than 10 lectures: (not counting today)
The course had a deeper goal than learning about assistive technology. I hope you have had a chance to develop, improve, and practice professional skills:
working in a team
working in the community
addressing a problem
exercising critical thinking
fabricating, testing, and evaluating prototypes
writing reports
presenting your project
Most memorable experiences:
Magical Bridge Playground
Gait Lab
Ekso Bionics
Assistive Technology Faire
Film screenings - (DVD player available)
Project efforts
student panel
Peter Axelson
Ralf Hotchkiss
Cookies - how many cookies have we been thru? 915!
Meetings with students and teams > 70
Announcements about students:
Alina - Roland Fellowship - continue working on Designing Your Afterlife project
Nina - pursuing independent study to outline a curriculum that covers design, basic engineering principles, and concepts in assistive technology for a service-learning after-school program for high school students
Design competitions - especially RESNA
SURI this summer
Project demonstrations:
Find a space to set up your projects
check out what other teams have done
have a burrito
drink procurement and delivery courtesy of the Design Group Happy Hour
Was this the best assistive technology course you have ever taken?
Good luck on wherever life takes you, please keep in touch
Thank you for the privilege of presenting this material to you.

Updated 03/11/2016

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