- Alex Tung Memorial Assistive Technology
Laboratory at Stanford (ATLAS)
- Building 550, Room 134
- Videos of Laboratory dedication -
- Product Realization
Laboratory (PRL) is an invaluable Stanford resource offering prototype
fabrication facilities in support of student design activities. The shops offer
traditional machining, woodworking, foundry, pastics molding, welding,
finishing, and metrology tools. Additionally, state-of-the-art computer-aided
drawing, manufacturing, and protyping systems are available. Students do all
their own fabrication. All PRL resources, including instruction and coaching by
staff are available to students enrolled in ENGR110/210.
- Room 36 - a new PRL resource for
prototyping, softgoods, and hands-on creative adventures
- Huang Engineering Center
- Schedule
- map
- Marlo Dreissigacker, Lab
- marlod -at-
- 650/248-1939
- ME113
- where to find stuff
- ME210
- useful links and info
- supplier database
- Meyer Tech Desk - loans video
and computer equipment and prints posters