Winter Quarter 2015

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Tuesdays & Thursdays at 4:15pm - 5:30pm
Classroom 110 in Thornton Center

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Team Formation

Considerations for Team Formation
Team Formation Preparedness
Candidate Team Project Links
Students Working on Team Projects & Their Project Preferences
Preferences by Project
Formed Project Teams

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Considerations for Team Formation

Project preference
All team members should have a desire to work on the same project.
Undergraduate / graduate student
It would desirable if team members were either all undergraduate or all graduate students as this makes it easier to continue projects into the Spring Quarter.
Desire to continue project work into Spring Quarter
Ideally, all team members should commit to continue their project work into the Spring Quarter.
Team's engineering skill set
The team's expertise should match up with the project needs.
There should be a compatible mix of personalities in the team.
Friends and team members
A good friend does not necessarily make a good team mate.

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Team Formation Preparedness

Since there is no guarantee that other students will have similar project interests, you should be prepared to do one of the following:

  1. convince others to work with you on one of your selected projects
  2. consider working with another student on a project he/she has chosen
  3. work on a project you selected as a team of one

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Candidate Team Projects

Candidate Projects and Presenters:

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Students Working on Team Projects & Preferences

Selected projects choices are indicated in red.
("0" = no ordinal preference)

Photo Student & Top 5 Project Picks
photo of Vincent
Becerra, Vincent Joel
1. Student-defined Project
2. Prosthetics Projects - Quick Disconnect
3. Baby Lifter Project
4. Kitchen Helper Project
5. Hand Cycle Transfer Project
photo of Dan
Prof 2
Berschinski, Dan Mason
Improved Hand Controls Project
photo of James
ME, Art
Bui, James Phan
1. Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
2. Art Tools Project
3. Magical Bridge Playground Project
4. Activities of Daily Living
5. PDA and Me Project
photo of Sarah
Cabreros, Sarah S. M.
1. Enhanced Visibility Project
2. Kitchen Helper Project
3. Swim Ankle Joint
4. Art Tools Project
5. Hand Cycle Transfer Project
photo of Joaquin
Grad 3
Carcache, Joaquin Michael
1. Enhanced Visibility Project
2. Improved Hand Controls Project
3. Prosthetics Projects - Quick Disconnect
4. Prosthetics Projects - Swim Ankle
5. Prosthetics Projects - Sensor Notification
photo of Justin
Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
1. Out of Control Wheelchair Project
2. Improved Hand Controls Project
3. Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
4. Prosthetics Projects
5. Guide Robot for the Blind
-. Enhanced Visibility Project
photo of Thomas
Grojean III, Thomas Francis
1. Improved Hand Controls Project
2. Orthotics Projects - Knee Extension
3. Prosthetics Projects - Swim Joint
4. Prosthetics Projects - Quick Disconnect
5. Prosthetics Projects - Sensor Notification
photo of Sukhi
Gulati, Sukhi Kaur
1. Project Employing the Leap Motion Controller
2. Therapy Game for Stroke Survivors
3. Music Project for Mrs N
4. Balance Buddy
5. Dog Leash
photo of Marshall
Haltom, Marshall Dickens
0. Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
0. Prosthetics Projects (all)
0. Guide Robot for the Blind
photo of Jaih
Hunter-Hill, Jaih Aubrey
1. Kitchen Helper Project
2. Improved Hand Controls Project
3. Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
4. Baby Lifter Project
5. Enhanced Visibility Project
-. Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
photo of Cassi
Grad 3
Janakos, Cassie Nicole
PDA and Me Project
Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
Magical Bridge Playground Project
Baby Lifter Project
Pimp Out Aubrie's Scooter
photo of Stuart
Johnson, Stuart James
1. Improved Hand Controls Project
2. Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
3. Prosthetics Projects - Swim Ankle
4. Prosthetics Projects - Sensor Notification
5. Prosthetics Projects - Quick Disconnect
photo of Susan
Nitta, Susan Uko
0. Orthotics Projects - Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
0. Prosthetics Projects (all)
0. Guide Robot for the Blind
photo of Andreas
Pope, Andreas Etienne
1. Improved Hand Controls Project
2. Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
3. Prosthetics Projects - Swim Ankle
4. Prosthetics Projects - Quick Disconnect
5. Prosthetics Projects - Sensor Notification
photo of Erich
Smith, Erich R.
1. Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
2. Magical Bridge Playground Project
3. Improved Hand Controls Project
4. Hand Cycle Transfer Project
5. Kitchen Helper Project
photo of Andrea
Stein, Andrea Nari
1. Project Employing the Leap Motion Controller
2. Therapy Game for Stroke Survivors
3. Music Project for Mrs N
4. Balance Buddy
5. Dog Leash
photo of Janhavi
Vartak, Janhavi
1. Magical Bridge Playground Project
2. Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
3. Project employing the Leap Motion Controller
4. Art Tools Project
5. Enhanced Visibility Project
photo of Michael
Vela, Michael Hayato
1. Project Employing the Leap Motion Controller
2. Therapy Game for Stroke Survivors
3. Music Project for Mrs N
4. Balance Buddy
5. Dog Leash
photo of Alessia
von Erb, Alessia
1. Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
2. Art Tools Project
3. Creative Expression
4. Pimp Out Aubrie's Scooter
5. Activities of Daily Living
6. Music Project for Mrs N
7. Enhanced Visibility Project
photo of Jeanny
Wang, Jeanny
1. Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
2. Art Tools Project
3. Magical Bridge Playground Project
4. Activities of Daily Living
5. PDA and Me Project
photo of
lastname, firstname

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Preferences by Project

Project team members are indicated in red.
("0" = no ordinal preference)

Project Name Priority - Student
Music Project for Mrs N

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

3. Gulati, Sukhi Kaur
3. Stein, Andrea Nari
3. Vela, Michael Hayato
6. von Erb, Alessia
Horseback Riding at Home Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

1. Last, First
Within Reach Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

Therapy Game for Stroke Survivors
Project Name - Progress Painter
Far East Entertainment:
Gulati, Sukhi Kaur
Stein, Andrea Nari
Vela, Michael Hayato
Baby Lifter Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

0. Janakos, Cassie Nicole
3. Becerra, Vincent Joel
4. Hunter-Hill, Jaih Aubrey
PDA and Me Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

0. Janakos, Cassie Nicole
5. Bui, James Phan
5. Wang, Jeanny
Kitchen Helper Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

1. Hunter-Hill, Jaih Aubrey
2. Cabreros, Sarah S. M.
4. Becerra, Vincent Joel
5. Smith, Erich R.
Balance Buddy

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

4. Gulati, Sukhi Kaur
4. Stein, Andrea Nari
4. Vela, Michael Hayato
Emergency Events

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

1. Last, First
Hand Cycle Transfer Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

4. Smith, Erich R.
5. Becerra, Vincent Joel
5. Cabreros, Sarah S. M.
Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
Project Name -
Triple J
Bui, James Phan
Hunter-Hill, Jaih Aubrey
Wang, Jeanny
Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
Project Name -
Disability Heros
Janakos, Cassie Nicole
Vartak, Janhavi
von Erb, Alessia
0. Janakos, Cassie Nicole
1. Bui, James Phan
1. Smith, Erich R.
1. von Erb, Alessia
1. Wang, Jeanny
2. Vartak, Janhavi
Improved Hand Controls Project
Project Name - Dan's Vehicle Hand Controls Project
The Dukes of Hazard
Berschinski, Dan Mason
Grojean III, Thomas Francis
Johnson, Stuart James
Pope, Andreas Etienne
Enhanced Visibility Project
Project Name -
No Team Name - 3
Carcache, Joaquin Michael
Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
1. Cabreros, Sarah S. M.
1. Carcache, Joaquin Michael
5. Hunter-Hill, Jaih Aubrey
5. Vartak, Janhavi
7. von Erb, Alessia
Orthotics Projects - Aesthetic Limb Cover Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

Orthotics Projects - Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
Project Name -
No Team Name - 1
Haltom, Marshall Dickens
Nitta, Susan Uko
0. Haltom, Marshall Dickens
0. Nitta, Susan Uko
2. Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
2. Grojean III, Thomas Francis
2. Pope, Andreas Etienne
3. Hunter-Hill, Jaih Aubrey
Out of Control Wheelchair Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

1.Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
Art Tools Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

2. Bui, James Phan
2. von Erb, Alessia
2. Wang, Jeanny
4. Cabreros, Sarah S. M.
4. Vartak, Janhavi
Prosthetics Projects - Quick Disconnect System for Lower Extremity Prostheses

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

0. Haltom, Marshall Dickens
0. Nitta, Susan Uko
2. Becerra, Vincent Joel
3. Carcache, Joaquin Michael
4. Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
4. Grojean III, Thomas Francis
4. Pope, Andreas Etienne
5. Johnson, Stuart James
Prosthetics Projects - Prosthesis Sensor Notification System
0. Haltom, Marshall Dickens
0. Nitta, Susan Uko
4. Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
4. Johnson, Stuart James
4. Pope, Andreas Etienne
5. Carcache, Joaquin Michael
5. Grojean III, Thomas Francis
Prosthetics Projects - Prosthetic Swim Ankle Joint
0. Haltom, Marshall Dickens
0. Nitta, Susan Uko
3. Cabreros, Sarah S. M.
3. Grojean III, Thomas Francis
3. Johnson, Stuart James
4. Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
5. Carcache, Joaquin Michael
5. Pope, Andreas Etienne
Project Employing the Leap Motion Controller

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

1. Gulati, Sukhi Kaur
1. Stein, Andrea Nari
1. Vela, Michael Hayato
3. Vartak, Janhavi
Magical Bridge Playground Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

0. Janakos, Cassie Nicole
1. Vartak, Janhavi
2. Smith, Erich R.
3. Bui, James Phan
3. Wang, Jeanny
Guide Robot for the Blind

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

0. Haltom, Marshall Dickens
0. Nitta, Susan Uko
5. Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
Projects for persons recovering from stroke - Standing Straight Project

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

1. Last, First
Projects for persons recovering from stroke - Activities of Daily Living

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

4. Bui, James Phan
5. von Erb, Alessia
Pimp Out Aubrie's Scooter

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

0. Janakos, Cassie Nicole
4. von Erb, Alessia
Enhanced access to touch screen devices

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

1. Last, First
Creative Expression

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

3. von Erb, Alessia
Designing Your Afterlife

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

4. Wang, Jeanny
Student-defined Project
Project Name - Jar Opener for Grandmother
No Team Name - 2
Becerra, Vincent Joel
1. Becerra, Vincent Joel
Other project idea

Team 1 1. Last, First & 2. Last, First & 3. Last, First

5. Gulati, Sukhi Kaur (dog leash)
5. Stein, Andrea Nari (dog leash)
5. Vela, Michael Hayato (dog leash)

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Formed Project Teams

Team name: Far East Entertainment
Team members: Gulati, Sukhi Kaur
Stein, Andrea Nari
Vela, Michael Hayato
Project: Therapy Game for Stroke Survivors
Project name: Progress Painter
Device name:

Team name: The Dukes of Hazard
Team members: Berschinski, Dan Mason
Grojean III, Thomas Francis
Johnson, Stuart James
Pope, Andreas Etienne
Project: Improved Hand Controls Project
Project name: Dan's Vehicle Hand Controls Project
Device name:

Team name: Triple J
Team members: Bui, James Phan
Hunter-Hill, Jaih Aubrey
Wang, Jeanny
Project: Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
Project name:
Device name:

Team name: Caffeinators
Team members: Haltom, Marshall Dickens
Nitta, Susan Uko
Project: Knee Extension Assistance for Sports
Project name:
Device name:

Team name: Disability Heroes
Team members: Janakos, Cassie Nicole
Vartak, Janhavi
von Erb, Alessia
Project: Educational Design Kit for Children with Disabilities
Project name:
Device name:

Team name: Power (=torque*speed) to the People
Team members: Becerra, Vincent Joel
Project: Student-defined project
Project name: Jar Opener for Grandmother
Device name:

Team name: LED Zeppelin
Team members: Cabreros, Sarah S. M.
Carcache, Joaquin Michael
Diep, Justin Jan-Hawksome
Project: Enhanced Visibility Project
Project name:
Device name:

Team name: Team Smith
Team members: Smith, Erich R.
Project: Magical Bridge Playground Project
Project name:
Device name:

Updated 02/17/2015

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